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Thread: whats the most slin in one shot youve done?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    gates of hell

    whats the most slin in one shot youve done?

    Whats the most slin you have shot? What is your typical dose post workout? Do you guys cycle it or just use after workouts all the time?

    ive been using 25IU post workout. think most ive done is 26IU but just b/c i dont know what the use of going higher would be..

  2. #2
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    Only been using it for 4 weeks, but 10iu for me. Don't think I'll be going higher in the future. The benefits do not outweigh the risks for me.

  3. #3
    welsh warrior how long were u working out to get that body?

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by WelshWarrior View Post
    Only been using it for 4 weeks, but 10iu for me. Don't think I'll be going higher in the future. The benefits do not outweigh the risks for me.
    slin has very few benefits. only things i like are 1) its cheap 2) easy to get 3) helps me bulk by adding a little extra bodyfat. 4) forces me to eat right after a workout. this is just genetics for me. im naturally very lean.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerliftmike View Post
    slin has very few benefits. only things i like are 1) its cheap 2) easy to get 3) helps me bulk by adding a little extra bodyfat. 4) forces me to eat right after a workout. this is just genetics for me. im naturally very lean.
    imo there are safer ways to do this. Slin dependency is something I don't want to get.

    Quote Originally Posted by scrillaman View Post
    welsh warrior how long were u working out to get that body?
    in my 12th year now.

  6. #6
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    You know how I feel on slin bro,what the higher have told me,insulin is most effective when used in the 30-40 iu's a day range, with some professional bodybuilders using 3 times that amount! Never gone as high as you mike,thats pretty damm high.

  7. #7
    Gear's Avatar
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    Mike I usually use 10 - 15IU, I don't feel anymore is necessary but I actually shot 35IU last Monday.


  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gear View Post
    Mike I usually use 10 - 15IU, I don't feel anymore is necessary but I actually shot 35IU last Monday.

    35IU's holy crap bro.... I fear for my life at 10 =P....35 likes insane to me..

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by goose4 View Post
    You know how I feel on slin bro,what the higher have told me,insulin is most effective when used in the 30-40 iu's a day range, with some professional bodybuilders using 3 times that amount! Never gone as high as you mike,thats pretty damm high.
    Gear warned me about sides getting bad after 15IU, but honestly lately ive been doing a standard 1/3 cup of sugar (64g of sugar) and 25IU without feeling it at all.

    One time I did eat a big sugary snack about 1 hour after taking 20IU into it and that made me go hypo bad and i couldnt stay awake. but its only happened once with that extra sugar (cant remember what i was a cheat food). i had stayed up the night before at work too without i was already exhausted so easy to pass out..

    the only thing holding me back is that i dont want to become slin dependent..i know you guys may point out no evidence of this..but i just have a lack of knowledge in that area so im extra cautious. need to read up

  10. #10
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    on a side note im using humalog. just so we can compare better. not sure if everyone here is using the same thing..

  11. #11
    Gear's Avatar
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    I always use a fast acting insulin also.


  12. #12
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    Yup Humalog here myself...

  13. #13
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    did 30IU today. no problems.

  14. #14
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    Dem dude! how many grams of simple do you have to consume for that, about 300g? How much do you weight bro?

  15. #15
    I've been stickin to 10IU..scared to go higher..

  16. #16
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    Did 40iu no problems!!!! Still doing the 64g sugar thing. I eat so many low GI carbs throughout the day everyday. Might be having an effect, b/c while I can "feel" slin it just doesnt seem to have that much of an effect on me.

  17. #17
    Gear's Avatar
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    That's quite strange Mike. I know many who can tolorate high amounts of insulin, but 30IU should have a major blood glucose effect on everybody.


  18. #18
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    I'm bumping this old thread cause it's got what I need to talk about... I'm starting to realize that I'm on the opposite end of this slin thing. It just seems like I get sides that nobody else gets, and my dosage has an effect on this. I get less of the sides on higher doses. At first I was using Humalog and I followed the guidelines exactly. I started out small and bumped up my dose until I felt comfortable. With Humalog I got up to 10iu pwo. With this I got upset stomach, basically bad gas and diarrhea. I thought it was due to the rapid onset and short duration of this type of insulin. Most guy's who do their research on the compounds we use know fast acting compounds are usually accompanied by equally rapid onset of known sides. With this in mind I decided to switch to Humulin-r. This move was met with disapproval by many, including some AR members. Even though, I took a shot with the Humulin-R. I am having good success with Humalin-R and have used 20iu pwo. I know so far my situation is totaly unique, however I'm hoping one of you guy's has some advice. It boils down to this... Humulin-R has been well tolerated over Humalog and in higher doses. I have been using Humulin-R pwo while hitting the gym mon,wed,fri. I'm changing up my training split to mon,tue, wed off, Thur,fri, sat and sun off. Will I be ok using slin pwo on consecutive days like this. Thanks to all reading this, just can't find what I need in existing threads.


  19. #19
    Gear's Avatar
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    Humalin-R can still be used, but it can become a hassle because it's in your system for so long + it's not as effective as the rapid acting insulins because of its on-set time. It still works, but a little different.

    If humalin-R is doing the trick then stick to using that type of insulin.

    The sides don't always depend on the dose. I have taken over 20IU with no sides and 10IU with sides. It all depends on how much carbohydrates you consume at the time.


  20. #20
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    Gear... I knew I'd hear back from you! I was hovering around the 240lb mark for a good while. I just recently broke through the 250lb mark. This has been a goal that was not easy to reach. I made some great gains since starting Insulin. I feel like the insulin gave me the edge I needed to move the nutrients into the tissue more effectively. I've responded well to the Humilin-R. I also think the duration of effect has been shortened due to the fact that I have a very physical outdoor job, paired with the fact that the local temp is about 110 degrees around the clock.(Phoenix!) According to the package insert, these factors greatly effect the duration of effect. Thanks for the open minded advice here, It's always appreciated. By the way what do you say the pwo injection schedule I'm considering? I don't know how many of you guy's shoot slin on consecutive days. Obviously long term safety is my concern, and vet advice is needed on this one. Thanks again!


    p.s. (current stats)
    30yo, 5'11, 251lb, 15%bf
    currently running 200mg Cyp(1ml) every 3.5 days
    10-20iu Humulin-R PWO only 3-4 times a week
    Clean diet

  21. #21
    Gear's Avatar
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    The most important factor to considering when using insulin is to use it PWO wether its ED, EOD, few day ON/OFF etc, as long as you are shooting it immidietly PWO you're doing the right thing.

    As for how long you cycle it for, everyone is different but the 4 weeks ON/OFF protocol seems to work for most if not everyone.


  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerliftmike View Post
    Did 40iu no problems!!!! Still doing the 64g sugar thing. I eat so many low GI carbs throughout the day everyday. Might be having an effect, b/c while I can "feel" slin it just doesnt seem to have that much of an effect on me.
    my advice is be careful and safe bro. playing with high levles of slin isnt a game and can kill you. when you get to those high doses there is a huge difference between 35-40ius and that 40iu at a tim can kill you. i dont want to try and give you advice because i dont ever go over 10ius but if i were in your shoes i would split that 40ius into 2 shots. i would take one as soon as i wake up and the other pwo. i used to take 20ius a day split into two 10iu injections like that and had great results.. good luck and be safe bro

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