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Thread: insulin in the morning

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    insulin in the morning

    Ii unfortunately have to train at 8pm most times and have last meal about 11pm and bed at 12pm, up at 6am for work. Insulin as i have read is best post workout (read all the recommenede threads).There is no way i can stay awake the required time so are morning shots of any use.Using hgh 8 ius and igf 60 mcg per day at present between cycles.45 years old 6ft 3 278lbs. Many thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    gates of hell
    Insulin in the mornings is ok, but I found that I get fat doing that. PWO only and i dont really put on any fat. If you train at 8pm and go to bed at midnight you will be fine with the slin PWO, assuming you are using fast acting ones like humalog.

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