Well I've been considering for a while about taking hgh to get the gains I always wanted.
I am 24 yrs old and my whole life i've been a skinny kid. I am 5'11 and about 145 pounds. I've been an athlete my whole life soo i'm not a rookie when it comes to working out. when i work out I hit the gym hard usually about 5 to 6 days a week.. The most weight i've gotten up to was 155 and that was when i was on a protein drink and a creatine supplement, but once i was off the creatine I lost pretty much everything. Now i'm not an idiot an i know that eating right and propper diet plays a massive role.. i'm just at the point where i'm sick of being a 24 yr old guy and being soo small.. i'll bust my ass in the gym and i see some gains but not what i'm looking for.
I thought about hgh because i wanted to take something that i would get great gains and be able to keep them once i'm off my cycle.. honestly if i was to take hgh, what possible gains can i expect? ( mind you i obviously know i have to eat right and alot and get great rest) but am i over my head to think i can gain like 20 pounds of solid muscle and be able to keep it on? also should if i do take it, should I combine it with something else? Or is there even some other combo I should think about taking? any advice would be greatly appreciated. basicaly I want to take something where I can get great gains and keep it once i'm off. ( also once again I know I will have to work out hard, eat right, and get good rest, that its not just a miracle supplement.
hopefully i gave you enough info about me, any help i would appreciate.. thanks alot guys