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Thread: HGH question, need advice from serious people

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2007

    HGH question, need advice from serious people

    Well I've been considering for a while about taking hgh to get the gains I always wanted.

    I am 24 yrs old and my whole life i've been a skinny kid. I am 5'11 and about 145 pounds. I've been an athlete my whole life soo i'm not a rookie when it comes to working out. when i work out I hit the gym hard usually about 5 to 6 days a week.. The most weight i've gotten up to was 155 and that was when i was on a protein drink and a creatine supplement, but once i was off the creatine I lost pretty much everything. Now i'm not an idiot an i know that eating right and propper diet plays a massive role.. i'm just at the point where i'm sick of being a 24 yr old guy and being soo small.. i'll bust my ass in the gym and i see some gains but not what i'm looking for.

    I thought about hgh because i wanted to take something that i would get great gains and be able to keep them once i'm off my cycle.. honestly if i was to take hgh, what possible gains can i expect? ( mind you i obviously know i have to eat right and alot and get great rest) but am i over my head to think i can gain like 20 pounds of solid muscle and be able to keep it on? also should if i do take it, should I combine it with something else? Or is there even some other combo I should think about taking? any advice would be greatly appreciated. basicaly I want to take something where I can get great gains and keep it once i'm off. ( also once again I know I will have to work out hard, eat right, and get good rest, that its not just a miracle supplement.

    hopefully i gave you enough info about me, any help i would appreciate.. thanks alot guys

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    if you want big gains, gh isnt the miracle, go on a cycle of test and some other gear compounds and eat big and train hard, gh is expensive, has to be taken for a long time, and has to be taken at a high dosage especially since your young. good luck

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2007
    is it now worth my money to get hgh cuz of the gains I want.. What is a good cycle for me to reach my gains and be able to keep in on.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    all gains you keep depend on how hard you train, if your eating a lot of clean calories. you need a test cycle and another compound, read some of the threads in the beginning for some info. good luck

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2007
    thanks recon,

    any other advise from you or anyone , i appreciate it thanks again

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    no problem, anytime, let us know if you do end up going on a cycle and make sure you read about pct if ur gonna take test

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    i know you dont want to hear it, but at 5'11 and 145 lbs and 24 yrs old, you def could get bigger with no help, you have to eat your ass off. If you are dead set on a cycle, HGH prob is not what you are looking for. 500mg of test en for 12 weeks with proper PCT would be a good first cycle. DO YOUR HOMEWORK FIRST AND HAVE ALL YOUR PCT BEFORE STARTING.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    i'de have to agree with Fixr's advice above. no one is here to tell you what to do, but in his & mine opinion, you should really put forth an effort on getting some more quality mass on your frame before considering aas or hgh.

    i assume you are pretty lean, i'de say you should shoot for being at the very least 170+ lbs at your height and bf% before even considering anything. hit up the diet forum for some eating advice....but just eat more, alot more. up the calories, carbs (complex & simple), protein intake signficantly....

  9. #9
    like these guys said build a base before u should turn to like a mother ****er and work out for at least 3 or 4 months...

  10. #10
    You're probably the exact opposite of myself. I have a tough time staying under 260lbs. I have been taking hgh for bout 3 yrs now at 2ius a day(fairly low dose), mainly for its fat burning trait. It has been working fairly well in that time period, but, if I truly wanted to get back over 300lbs, nothing beats good, old, dirty steriods in the bang for the buck column. In order to put on 20lbs of lean tissue with hgh it would take you a couple years and a couple thousand dollars(if u find a good price).
    My first advice to you is to start and keep a very honest, and meticulous food intake diary. It's amazing how many young men your age swear that they must eat 5k a day and still gain no weight. Then when they figure out that their intake is really only about 2k(or less) a day, it all starts to make more sense. You have a lot of great gains to make without gear(steroids or hgh), on nothing but food and your own natural, young hormones.
    After at least a couple years of heavy training, you can then decide if gear might help you to the next level or not. You should reach a training plateau first, don't just start because you want to. You'll find a "sticking" point in your training that will be difficult to get past for a couple months. That might be the time to consider them. But first, it sounds like you could easily make it to 170 or 175 naturally.
    Keep posting your results with these guys. They all seem to be pretty knowledgeable and I believe most of them would truly like to help.

  11. #11
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    You need to eat a lot, eat clean and if you are super skinny a bit of crappy food every now and then is a good idea. I would not use HGH, and when you are ready to start using something I would start with AAS first.

    Best of luck.


  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2007
    thanks guys, i completly understand all ur advice. and i'll be honest i dont eat anywhere that i should.. as bad as this may sound i guess i just was an edge instead of having to wait soo long for results.. well i'll def keep you guys posted and let u know what i decide, and if i do decide to get on something i'll post my progess and pics thanks

  13. #13
    good luck

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    goodluck as well

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    houston, tx
    Quote Originally Posted by adws8 View Post
    thanks guys, i completly understand all ur advice. and i'll be honest i dont eat anywhere that i should.. as bad as this may sound i guess i just was an edge instead of having to wait soo long for results.. well i'll def keep you guys posted and let u know what i decide, and if i do decide to get on something i'll post my progess and pics thanks
    if you learn the proper way to eat to gain weight, you will put on size at a good rate..people will think youre on juice!! You just have to become disclipined enough to eat 6-8 times a day..and the gains you make, you will keep too

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