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Thread: IGF1-LR3 and HGH generic

  1. #1

    IGF1-LR3 and HGH generic

    Hi brothers,

    In the first order of HGH and IGF I made the caps were dark blue and now on this second order, i just ordered IGF and the caps are brighter.
    Is it normal ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    when it comes to generics, anything can be "normal"....its possible your source ran out of caps, and purchased new ones...or changed cap suppliers...could be a number of reasons.

    either way, i'de confront the source and check with them for a reason. also, you might want to look into a private source check by a willing mod

  3. #3
    thks plzr8!

    I know that the source is good, he could sent the wrong order or something.

    I will contact him and take my doubts.

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