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Thread: hgh course???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    North West UK

    hgh course???

    Im a rugby player and get tested during season so im thinkin of getting into hgh. To be honest ive only ever done AAS. I know the basics on hgh but not sure of dosages or a good course for me. I could do with a good course lasting well, im hoping you guys could tell me that. Im 6ft and weigh 109kg. Can anyone give me some advice. Im well aware its pricey and when i know what ill need for a course i can get the money together and get everyting sorted before i start. Thanks

  2. #2

    Read up on the sticky's about hgh and do a search for common cycles. The main thing with hgh is in order to see results you have to be on it for a while and most people don't have that kind of cash flow. If you do, more power to ya. Also I believe that as of now I don't think they can/do test for hgh. So another plus for you.

    Also what's your age?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Toronto, Ontario
    Yep, read RedBaron's guide at the top. It's full of great information.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Sparta!Athlete town USA
    gh is testable in blood right now!but if your not at the profesional/world class athlete level than I would not worry.Speaking as an athlete a 4-6 month cycle can help with recovery, body fat, and a little strength/size, but you will pay for it$$$$.Dosages range with age and goals as well.Anti-aging-fatburning-recovery 1-3 iu strenghth-size 3-6 but this again will depend on how it effects you.Most people start at a low dose and work there way up based on results/sides.Read the stickies as stated...They should help you with an other questions
    Happy New Year

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    gates of hell
    Quote Originally Posted by STED View Post
    Im a rugby player and get tested during season so im thinkin of getting into hgh. To be honest ive only ever done AAS. I know the basics on hgh but not sure of dosages or a good course for me. I could do with a good course lasting well, im hoping you guys could tell me that. Im 6ft and weigh 109kg. Can anyone give me some advice. Im well aware its pricey and when i know what ill need for a course i can get the money together and get everyting sorted before i start. Thanks
    what are your goals? is your main motivation for hgh the drug testing aspect? i think you could do better with short estered AAS. hell you could even take test suspension and it will be cleared in 1-2 days.

    just list your goals, so we can see if hgh is appropriate and what dosage you should be looking at if so.

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