nice logs guys, i ordered my igf five days ago and should be getting it any day now, cant wait to start, i will provide my thoughts on the experience periodically in your thread too
nice logs guys, i ordered my igf five days ago and should be getting it any day now, cant wait to start, i will provide my thoughts on the experience periodically in your thread too
Last edited by Discipline_1; 01-28-2008 at 09:30 PM.
oh ya, renesis, how is the amplify 02 going with igf, i will be using the amp at 5 caps for pre workout too and want to know how thats going for you
I dont have experience with Amp02 but i do use NO-xplode as that works awesome for me. I honeslty think the NO2 boosters (noxplode, amp02, etc...) help to increase the pump in the gym while running IGF as it does increase bloodflow to the muscles. The pumps are just amazing in the gym, skin tight, hurting pumps. BUT I have not tried working out with the noxplode so I cannot comment on its effects without it. Pumps all day long were noted tho with or without noxplode.
I want an update Renesis!!!!!!!!!!![]()
Yeah man I am waiting here!!!!
Sorry guys I broke my laptop so and registered late at school for classes so I will be giving you all an update now. Heres how it is going.
Current Weight 161lbs.
Strength has increased, my arms are noticeably bigger and stronger. Curling weight is up and my 90lb db bench rep is up to 15 times. Still haven't gotten a spot for the 100s so I will see how that goes. Shots are becoming painful in the chest as they are way to frequent (4 shots a week in each chest as I run the MGF/IGF) but now I am out of the Igf so the last two weeks will be run with IGF only.
Tuesday: Legs are feeling great squated 255 for 8 and legpressed 410 for 8. Strength on legs is growing and my calves/quads are showing great improvement.
Shoulder and tri day. Shoulders are powerful got the 70s up for 8 and the pumps are incredible. Noticeable development of my rear delts has occurred, but my left shoulder remains smaller then the right.
Back day. Am able to do 10 widegrip pullups with near perfect form. Deadlifted 255 as well for 6 reps. Back is slightly wider and feeling and looking thicker.
Chest day again but I took it nice and easy just went for a strong pump and burn by going slightly heavy mostly looking for high reps just to shock the body. Never felt tired throughout the workout and always had a good pump going.
Nice lifts for being so light.
nice work renesis! Glad you are happy with the results so far. I cant wait for round 2 myself!
Did chest monday and got the 100s up for 8. Feeling strong babyLegs today did some walking lunges oh boy am I gonna feel that tomorrow. I think I stabbed through a tendon as when the needle was in I accidentally tilted it and I felt like a hard part and then a pop/tearing kinda noise followed by some pain. Didn't twitch so it wasn't a nerve. Doh -.- Either way still doing well on lifts. Got 255 on squats for 8 today wooooo baby.
dont know if it was a tendong...your only a half inch in but possibly......great work! Looks like your chest is def. pulling though!
Yeah its been great so far. Looking forward to continuing. Anyway got my new computer today and so I will be able to be on here all the time again![]()
Bout damn time, i was startin to think you were slackin! Oh and you will cry when you give yourself your last injection of IGF, probably a side effect.
Lol I probably will![]()
I shed some tears for that sad day. but honestly the 4 weeks are goin by pretty fast. and hopefully ill be able to run my AAS cycle soon!![]()
I am looking to compete this summer so I am trying to develop my body as fast as possible.
have you gained much weight on the combo?
To be honest no. I gained about 2-3lbs and stayed there. Remember IGF is about creating new cells so they need a chance to develop the gains will come about more later on. Although I have been losing bf also so I am gaining muscle and burning fat. Makes it hard to really tell how much I have gained.
Back day today. OMG the pumps were starting to hurt and now I can't slouch without my back being real tense. My lats definitely felt some burn today between wide grip pull ups and lat pulldowns. Deadlifted 255 for 6 today felt nice and strong. oh man i only have one more week left after tomorrow![]()
Chest again today. Right shoulder is hurting from dodgeball (school event/tradition). Still was able to get the 100s for 6 and incline the 80s for 10. Starting to feel sad knowing I only have 1 week. Pumps are now lasting hours after working out. Weight still holds at 160.
Great threah Renesis. Looking forward to hear from your next week results and how it will be coming off.
Thanks hugov.
Monday chest and bis. I am now able to curl all my original maxes an additional 2 reps. (I look at max efforts at things I can't do more than 6 reps of) So I now total 8 reps or so with them. Bench is going great as well 100s up for 8 hoping to hit 10 soon. Pumps are amazing now especially when I take my protein/wms/bcaas after workout I feel full all day. Recovery time is great I feel sore the next day but never as if I need to rest to much. Damn this is my last week!!!!!! Weight yesterday was 161lbs.
Glad to hear all is working out for you Ren! Im pondering of another IGF cycle soon here myself. BTW, still growing right now even 4 weeks after cycle. People are noticing the size change, even my roomates who see me everyday. Also weight is still climbing slowly but surely.
Very nice lego. Hey and congrats on the monitor lol
Update Renesis!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Sorry for the longgg wait. Been working two jobs+class so I have only come on recently to make quick comments. Anyways my last week on the cycle was definitely one to remember.
Monday got the 100s up for 8!!! Chest was extremely full and much more round, the pump was incredible. I felt like a machine, even got the 80s up on incline for 10 a PR for me. Biceps were feeling solid and I can now curl the 30s for 10. Moved up to curling the the 35s. (MY biceps are really weak)
Tuesday was a great leg day although I had played football over the weekend so I was unsure of how it would go. Well football or not I got through my squats/lunges/leg press without dropping any weight. Finally can squat 265 for 8, means ill have to move up in weight.
Wednesday was tri/delts. Got the 70s up for military press for 6. Shoulder felt a little funny so I didn't want to push to far. Tris went great after close grip bench and skull crushers my tris were so pumped my arms looked huge!
Thursday was back day. Got a new PR for Deadlift 275 for 1!! The pumps in my lats after pulldowns and pull ups was incredible. They are really starting to fill out and become much more rounded. My lower and upper back are definitely thicker now and I can see the difference from when I first started.
Friday the last day!!Well it was just a easy chest day for pump(thats how most of my fridays are) Went in with some light weights and just tore my chest apart with high reps.
At one point I had to slow down because the pump was becoming a little bit painful.
All in all I have to say this was probably the greatest experience I have ever gone through. The changes and results that you can see week by week as they happen, that fact that you can feel them as well just sets your mind in a positive mood to continuously hit the weights everyday. My current weight sits at 163 most of the time from a starting weight of around 157/158. Not much but it was for the most part solid muscle.I definitely recommend this to anyone looking for a good boost, and I am most definitely running it again.
Last edited by Renesis; 02-25-2008 at 08:51 AM.
bump this too
credit to Renisis and Lego for the logs.
Good shit bro! nice to hear everything went well
funny thing,i am also on long island and about to start a igf cycle,i wonder if we go to the same gym lol
i cant pm yet but if youre abel to message me then drop me a line bro[/email]
Last edited by DRAMACYDAL; 03-23-2008 at 08:31 PM.
Well as of now I don't go to a gym in LI since im in upstate NY for school. Summer I have to find a new gym on LI.
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