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Thread: blood pressure was taken wrong by newby doctor.

  1. #1

    blood pressure was taken wrong by newby doctor.

    hi bros.remember the thread i had on here a month ago when i went to my doctor and his newbie helper that just became a doctor took my blood pressure and it was 145 over 105 danger while my doctor watched him( the newbie) take my blood pressure he scared the hell out of me because my doctor was concerned about my health(which i appreciate) and told me that i can drop anytime and i should cut back on some things that i was taking.well this time a month later,two days ago my doctor used a larger cuff and it turned out my blood pressure was 138 over for yous bros.that ever come across this make sure you tell him or her to use a larger cuff if your arms are larger then normal.anyway i was so releived,he had me thinking that it was the stuff i was the way i thank you all for the help and opinions on here.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006
    College Station
    dude i dont think it was the cuff man. BP is always changing. there are so many factors that affect BP that its unreal. mine changes from those numbers in a matter of hrs or even minutes. your BP can change kinda in the same way your heart beats can.

  3. #3
    yes it does change constantly,to that danger point i dont know,maybe so but i hope not,than anyone can drop just like that.anyway my doctor told me it was because of the small cuff,i had never elevated blood pressure like that,than again,if it can change just like that on anyone,that is definetely scary isnt it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2006
    College Station
    na, thats where mine is now

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Western States
    If your arm is over 17" they should be using the large cuff. It used to be a leg cuff but with all the really fat people they not make a fat arm cuff. Pharmacies and some department stores sale a wrist cuff. I have one of these. It works really well.

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