does anyone have any idea if its a good idea to drink carbs (glucose.sucrose,fructose) while working out and then taking my gh and slin post workout with my protein,dextrose,etc.... will it interfere or slow down the process or will it help it more.
does anyone have any idea if its a good idea to drink carbs (glucose.sucrose,fructose) while working out and then taking my gh and slin post workout with my protein,dextrose,etc.... will it interfere or slow down the process or will it help it more.
Great idea, it will help with your energy levels and replenish glycogen. This is quite common actually. If you are going to do this I would stick to taking insulin PWO and not HGH since consuming carbs too close to your HGH injection can create issues.
ok so when do i take my gh then gear.i alwready take it in the morning.and sometimes around 3'00pm and my second question is are you saying that i will get better results in taking my carbs while training and then slin pwo or will i get better results if i take my gh with slin pwo and no carbs while working out.
getting a recovery drink in within 30 min after workout will help with restoring your glycogen stores. (something such as endurox or powerbar recovery....there are tons of options though)
When it comes to HGH, you need to keep 2 things in mind. 1 is, don't take your HGH around the time you consume carbs as it can lead to your body having issues uptaking glucose. 2 is, try and not interrupt your natural HGH production. This means, if you're younger, taking a shot before bed wouldn't be wise as you may disturb your natural production while sleeping. Taking a shot before training can also be a bad idea as there is a chance of your body producing its own HGH while training and if that was the case then the dose of HGH you took before training may get in the way of your natural production which occured during training. Taking HGH at any other time is fine.
It would be hard to say which way is better, but I do know both ways are good.
thanks gear, i am aware when to take gh thanks to you on that for educating me on here.i do have one other thing i wanted to ask you for the longest time and the question is...... i know that you should take your carbs 1 hour before or after taking gh.what happens if i dont take carbs 1 hours after my gh even though i dont take slin that day.are the chances better of becoming diabetic.or let me put it this way,the sooner you drink your carbs the better the chances you dont become diabetic.
That's what most peole do actually, they take their HGH and don't take carbs for at least an hour post HGH injection. As for becoming diabetic, I am not sure why you think you could become diabetic if you don't take carbs after your HGH. I have never come across anyone who has had that issue due to not taking carbs after HGH.
the reason i am saying that gear is because i thought its a fact that you should be taking slin (with carbs)with gh to avoid becoming i explaining this right bro.
If you are running slin and gh then you could take them both PWO. The GH blunts insulin response but if you are shooting insulin anyway then it makes no odds.
i take my gh everyday,but in the morning i add slin to it the odd time when i am up to it.(on training days )as far as pwo i take my gh with slin again on training days apology for not explaining my questions the right way gear.
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