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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    IGF Injection Question Once Again

    I posted a question about injecting IGF in the quads. My question this time is say you use IGF-1Lr3 ok, you train bi's and tri's on the same day after you work out do you need to inject both the bi's and tris' or just one of each on each arm? I know the Lr3 will float around till it binds to receptors, if it was the MGF or regular IGF then I would do both bi's and tri's that my question. Say 80mcg PWO would that be 20mcg in the bi and tri area on each arm to equal 80mcg altogether?

  2. #2
    legobricks's Avatar
    legobricks is offline Retired AR Monitor
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    Not too sure why new users are using high doses like this but i guess to each his own. Anyways, yes IGF1LR3 can be shot anywhere, no reall proof that it has site growth. ITs user dependant, personally since it does get passed thru your blood stream to attach to receptors just shoot the bi's. No need in shooting all 4 places. When i cycled IGF I jsut shot bi's on ARM day and it worked very well. so in your case 40mcg in one bicep and 40 in the other. What is the reason for using 80mcgs? this your first go with IGF?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Yeah it is, I've done alot of researching around and figured out that 80mcg was the pretty standard dose, I might take it down to 60 tho. My stats are in my profile. Thanx for the advice, I can't wait to start it.

  4. #4
    legobricks's Avatar
    legobricks is offline Retired AR Monitor
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    If you read some more you will find out that 40mcg ED is the standard novice dose, not 80. 40mcg split bilaterlly PWO, that means 20mcg in one side and 20 in the other. Id drop it down to 40-60 for a first go, remember sometimes less is better. I ran 50mcg 5 days on 2 days off non-consecutive and had AWESOME results. I will def. use it again but this next time i will bump to 50mcg ED for 4 weeks or possibly 60mcg. You will gain off 40-60mcg, trust me.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Thanx lego, I appreciate the help, I think I'll stick with 40mcg then like you said, I don't wanna waste it and I'd be doing that if I went up really high just like with high doses of AAS. Would you stack it with HGH? Since HGH stimulates the production of IGF?

  6. #6
    celticd's Avatar
    celticd is offline Associate Member
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    science has stated the average human will produce around 1mcg of igf ed
    so 80mcg is no way an average dose
    iv also read that it does benefit to inject into lagging bodyparts at maybe 15-20mcg in either biscep or tricep for excample
    i cant remember were i read this study but this guy had complied a 13yr practical research into igf usage and had tried many different ways of administering igf and had found 30mcg x 2 ed more than enough
    and that eod is practically better to ed as it more benifical to youre receptors
    im sure it would take longer to see gains this way but at least u can use it for a longer peroid of time b/c youre receptors are refreshed and as i wana use it as a bridge between cycles 20 wks sounds perfect
    i suppose its what works best for the individual but for economic reasons ill always start at a low dose b/c i believe less is more
    but keep this thread going b/c im intrested to see how u get on

  7. #7
    legobricks's Avatar
    legobricks is offline Retired AR Monitor
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    Im interested where you found this study at. IGF is recomended for 4 weeks because that is the ample time in which your body can intake the IGF and use it to its full potential. Also, some users have gone 50days on then 50days off with good resutls. Most users that go over that feel its a waste, especially 20weeks. Not saying your wrong, just would like to see the study behind this info.

  8. #8
    N4cer's Avatar
    N4cer is offline Member
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    40mcg FTW!

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    I was planning to use it after my test susp cycle 75-100mg/ed. I was gonna run the test 8 wks on and then 4 weeks of IGF coupled with HGH at 5IU a day depending on if I can do that. But 1mg/40mcg would yield a 25 day supply so I think I'm gonna stick with that as 80mcg would be about 12 1/2 days worth.

  10. #10
    legobricks's Avatar
    legobricks is offline Retired AR Monitor
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    YEah if you only have 1mg 12.5 days would not even be worth it IMO. Also, hope you have a proper PCT in place for your test cycle.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Yeah, I do i'm gna use clomid and hcg and aldactone to counteract water retention should I have any.

  12. #12
    legobricks's Avatar
    legobricks is offline Retired AR Monitor
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    Id def. rethink that PCT. Check out Anthony Roberts PCT in the PCT section. Itll give you good examples of some PCTS to be run.

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