Thread: HGH results
01-30-2008, 08:48 AM #1
HGH results
im pretty up to date on my AAS with research! but im pretty new to the whole HGH thing. im debating on starting this soon. i have the funds and the access to kits! im just lookin as to see how long a kit lasts and how long it takes to see results. i was gonna start at around 2iu and few weeks go to 4iu and about 8 weeks after i start i will be adding a intermidiate AAS cycle. also is there a better type to use than another? please help any and all info is welcome, as i said before im not very up to date on this growth hormone
01-30-2008, 09:16 AM #2
bump for this, im on the same boat
01-30-2008, 09:59 AM #3
You will find that 2 - 4IU won't do much but will only deliver mild fat loss benefits, however once you exceed the 4IU mark you can expect gains to be a lot more noticable in the fat loss and musle gain department.
Starting your HGH before your AAS is defenitely the best way to go about cycling HGH and AAS together so you've done your homework there. And as for what type of AAS to use, that all depends on what you want to achieve. We do have a AAS forum so visit there for more info regarding that.
01-30-2008, 03:02 PM #4
Thanks gear!! i got the AAS part down. so is there a begginer level on what to start at ? little concerned about a little fat loss but moslty concerned on the size increase and strength!. so you do agree i should start HGH about 8 or so weeks prior to my AAS cycle? should i keep a steady pace like 6iu split into twice a day! or how often should i increase and to how high? im planning on running a few months straight!
01-30-2008, 08:33 PM #5
If this is your first time with HGH, I suggest you start on about 3IU p/day and work your way up from there if necessary.
When it comes to size and strength, the process is really long, and IMO not even a 6 months cycle will deliver major gains in that department. HGH is the kind of drug that must be used for quite a long time to see proper gains.
Defenitely start your HGH before your AAS. This way when you start your AAS cycle your IGF levels will be elevated.
As for increasing the dose, I would usually increase every 2 weeks if increasing of dosage is necessary, but some increase the dose weekly.
You won't know how much HGH you will need till you try it, so start on a lower dose and only increase the dose if necessary. You may not be able to bare the sides at a ceratin dose meaning that dose is probably the maximum dose for you, or you might find that you are getting good enough gains at a ceratain dose meaning there is no need to up the dose even more, so just go by how you feel.
If you are taking anymore than 4IU per day I would split the dose into 2 daily doses.
Good luck.
01-31-2008, 01:50 PM #6
thanks gear this was exactly the the info i needed . i was mainly concered with the time involved i was thinking 6months to 1yr to start seeing results. how long is normal to run this..i have the funds thats no prob! is blue top china somatropin..100iu ...deceant? or am i way off? thanks for your time gear!
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