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Thread: Fancy GH with digital duhicky

  1. #1

    Fancy GH with digital duhicky

    Getting Doc prescribed gh and was wondering how it compares mg per mg with Jinos?

    have taken 4 week bursters with 10IU's of jin, so would 4IU's of top pharm grade match that or better it?

    Most likely going to stack it with Var only.

    Don't want to lift any weights. Cuz I'm afraid I might get to big and scare off girls. Cardio will be yoga. And I eat a ton throughout the day. like 3 crackers, a yogurt, an apple. Soy milk, beans, and rice. Vegetarian , am against animal killers.Looking to put on 50+lbs of muskles.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Noobie4LIFE View Post
    Getting Doc prescribed gh and was wondering how it compares mg per mg with Jinos?

    have taken 4 week bursters with 10IU's of jin, so would 4IU's of top pharm grade match that or better it?

    Most likely going to stack it with Var only.

    Don't want to lift any weights. Cuz I'm afraid I might get to big and scare off girls. Cardio will be yoga. And I eat a ton throughout the day. like 3 crackers, a yogurt, an apple. Soy milk, beans, and rice. Vegetarian , am against animal killers.Looking to put on 50+lbs of muskles.
    Don't want to lift any weights. Cuz I'm afraid I might get to big and scare off girls. Cardio will be yoga. And I eat a ton throughout the day. like 3 crackers, a yogurt, an apple. Soy milk, beans, and rice. Vegetarian , am against animal killers.Looking to put on 50+lbs of muskles.
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Midwest USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Noobie4LIFE View Post
    Getting Doc prescribed gh and was wondering how it compares mg per mg with Jinos?

    have taken 4 week bursters with 10IU's of jin, so would 4IU's of top pharm grade match that or better it?

    Most likely going to stack it with Var only.

    Don't want to lift any weights. Cuz I'm afraid I might get to big and scare off girls. Cardio will be yoga. And I eat a ton throughout the day. like 3 crackers, a yogurt, an apple. Soy milk, beans, and rice. Vegetarian , am against animal killers.Looking to put on 50+lbs of muskles.
    Only works if you inject directly into your cinnamon ring.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by fossilfuel7 View Post
    Don't want to lift any weights. Cuz I'm afraid I might get to big and scare off girls. Cardio will be yoga. And I eat a ton throughout the day. like 3 crackers, a yogurt, an apple. Soy milk, beans, and rice. Vegetarian , am against animal killers.Looking to put on 50+lbs of muskles.
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    Yes it was.

    BTW, how was your spot injections with gh ? Any good results?

  5. #5
    but i was curious to hearing opinions on the non joke part.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    123 Fake St.
    Quote Originally Posted by Noobie4LIFE View Post
    Getting Doc prescribed gh and was wondering how it compares mg per mg with Jinos?

    have taken 4 week bursters with 10IU's of jin, so would 4IU's of top pharm grade match that or better it?

    Most likely going to stack it with Var only.

    Don't want to lift any weights. Cuz I'm afraid I might get to big and scare off girls. Cardio will be yoga. And I eat a ton throughout the day. like 3 crackers, a yogurt, an apple. Soy milk, beans, and rice. Vegetarian , am against animal killers.Looking to put on 50+lbs of muskles.
    I get jokes.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Noobie4LIFE View Post
    Yes it was.

    BTW, how was your spot injections with gh ? Any good results?
    LOL....I was like WTF. So you remember...I still don't have the money to purchase 6 months worth of Saizen from my source yet..maybe by spring though.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by fossilfuel7 View Post
    LOL....I was like WTF. So you remember...I still don't have the money to purchase 6 months worth of Saizen from my source yet..maybe by spring though.

    Jeezus 6 months worth of saizen. Bet that gets pricccceeyyy. Would be nice though.

    Next week man and I'm gonna get the mack daddy from a doc! Not doing Intramuscular spot injections. I figure the reason GH has such great healing is because the IGF realeased from the ol liva. SO I'm sticking to sub Q. If your injuries are still bothering you after trying GH jump on IGF. IGF spot injections that is.

    Also doing 4-6 week GH bursters +3-4 resters to allow my natty gh output to not be affected. Tried this with jinos and I felt great and gained alittle up to 260-270 last year........Now I'm fking fat need to cut down. Weighed 296lbs 2night...

    PM if you wanna discuss mattas playa.

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