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Thread: HGH and injury repair

  1. #1

    HGH and injury repair

    Hi All,

    i read everything about tendinitis. Just before going on Tren and deca, i developed bad tendinitis in my elbos, Golfers elbow. I did one round of cortisone shots in August. Everything felt great. I started Tren and Deca and everything was perfect. Just recently my arms started to hurt again. I have been off juice since end of November. I just recently acquired Genotropin, some more Tren, deca,

    my arms hurt. Will genotropin start the healing process. Of have heard that it will but i want to be sure. Summer is approaching and i want to time everything perfectly. I plan on taking February off all together to heal.

    any recommendations are well appreciated.


  2. #2
    lol...sounds a bit idealistic...but yes, hgh will help the healing process. I have looked into this and this is one of the reasons I am using it personally.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
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    I've had the same problem with tendonitis in my elbows and forearms for quite awhile now. GH didn't help. Deca does though.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by jerseyboy View Post
    I've had the same problem with tendonitis in my elbows and forearms for quite awhile now. GH didn't help. Deca does though.
    I don't think the HGH will cure your injuries necessarily...but I think that it just provides a better internal environment for your healing to take place.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Decca helped the tendonitis and the HGH didn't help you??

    I tried decca last summer to help severe tendonitis in my shoulder and it didn't do a thing... should I try it again???

    I'm thinking about running HGH to see if it helps the tendonitis... but I'm scared I'd be wasting my money...

  6. #6
    if there's anything that would help, it would be hgh...that't not saying that hgh WILL heal your elbow...but I know it can certainly assist the healing process.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    I had the same of trying to heal injuries with HGH and can tell you it's not a miracle worker, but does help. I'm 37 and wasn't healing from tendonitis, torn pec and herniated discs in neck. Some of these (discs) won't heal, but the GH did start a healing process that seemed somewhat accelerated. Definitley not overnight though.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Orion811 View Post
    I had the same of trying to heal injuries with HGH and can tell you it's not a miracle worker, but does help. I'm 37 and wasn't healing from tendonitis, torn pec and herniated discs in neck. Some of these (discs) won't heal, but the GH did start a healing process that seemed somewhat accelerated. Definitley not overnight though.
    How did it affect your tendonitis?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by fossilfuel7 View Post
    How did it affect your tendonitis?
    It seems to be healing that also, but again...not overnight.

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