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  1. #1
    olr77 is offline Junior Member
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    Coming to the end of my GH cycle.

    So I have done a 6 month cycle of GH... mostly Saizen but i have hit other brands when i was low on the KING. So here we go, this is how it all panned out for me. I started out at 273 lbs and im 6'4. I planned it all out before i started. I got on menshealth personal nutrition, its a program that managed all my food intake for the week... it planned all my meals for where i was and what i wanted to achieve and in the time frame i wanted to achieve it. I started out with 2 Iu's a day of Saizen 6 days a week with T3 and Clenbuterol thrown in through out the day. My workout was with a personal trainer and it was a 6 day a week regimen. It was a mixture of super setting weights and sprinting. Say i do chest on Monday..... i would start jogging and do half a mile to warm up... then a bench press for a set of 10 then sprinting a 10th of a mile then another set and sprinting a 10th of a mile etc. All sets followed as this through the whole workout all 6 days no matter what body part i was working. Then i would end with a half mile run to cool down. I have never done a workout like this but it shot my metabolism through the roof and with the GH and T3 i became a fat burning machine on the right diet. So anyway.... im in month four and im down to 215 lbs and maintaining through a four day a week regimen now. I dont know if im gonna have to put more time in once i come off of GH but we will see. Im having a problem with some loose skin around my abs tho... is there anything i can do for that? Its not fat its just excesss skin from where i was bigger? Anyway, i will say this... i have exp very few sides on GH but I have gained a lot from it....I think clearer... it was easier to lose wieght and it just makes results happen alot quicker than normal. However i didnt get the same results from other products as I did Saizen... and sides were a lot less on Saizen as well. Anyway... this is my story.. i hope it helps someone out there that is looking to start a GH regimen because i was that guy 6 months ago.

  2. #2
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    First of all, a huge congrats on your achievements. Going from 273 to 215 is quite a task, and sounds like you dedictaed most if your time into training so good on you for that, and all the best.

    When it comes to lose skin it depends on how much excess skin there is. Sometimes the skin can grow with the rest of the skin and become not as loose, other times if there is quite a bit of excess skin you may end up with permenant loose skin. Surgery can certainly fix that but there is nothing you can do fitness wise to take care of that problem.

    Well done once again and keep u the hard work.


  3. #3
    celticd's Avatar
    celticd is offline Associate Member
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    did u notice any muscle gain from the hgh?
    i know u were more concerned with cutting but would u use it for muscle building off cycle?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    very good job. I too would like to know your results in terms of muscle growth.

  5. #5
    N4cer's Avatar
    N4cer is offline Member
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    Burning that many calories I seriously doubt he built much muscle, especially on 2iu/day. No matter what you're on, it takes excess calories and nutrition to build muscle.

  6. #6
    olr77 is offline Junior Member
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    Really no better way than just posing pics. I play music for a living and the before pic was taken right before i started and the after was taken 10 min ago.


    There ya go. I am not saying im this ripped up guy or anything like that... but GH did work for me for what i wanted.

  7. #7
    N4cer's Avatar
    N4cer is offline Member
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    Exactly man, and I'm impressed with your remarkable fat loss. I was just stating that you didn't build muscle, and I was right.

  8. #8
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    It would be pretty hard to gain muscle at only 2IU and without AAS, but once again well done on the fat loss


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