Hi i was just thinking about this
1.Is it actually a good idea to be on long course of HGH (im talking about at least 6 months to a year of continuous use) and to start IGF-1 LR3 concurrently
I think it would not be a good idea.
I have seen about all forums posting about decreasing efficacy after 4 weeks of use of IGF-1 LR3 due to the theory of IGF-1 receptor downregulation and the need to cycle after 4 weeks of IGF-1 LR3 use. So far i have not really find many studies or evidence on this. Can anyone kindly provide me with any links to studies that have shown that there is down-regulation of IGF-1 receptors in in-vitro studies after 4 weeks
So "thereotically" if IGF-1 receptors are downregulated after 1 month of IGF-1 LR3 use, basically HGH will become useless since the IGF-1 produced will have a lack of receptors to act on
The other issue is i have seen countless posts on GH gut. But so far i have not seen any literature to say that the intestines have the most no. of IGF-1 receptors. All i found was that IGF-1 receptors are found in almost all cells in the body. Please kindly enlighten me on this
Thanks guys