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  1. #1
    Anabolic2007's Avatar
    Anabolic2007 is offline New Member
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    few questions about HGH injection

    Hey , i'm using GH for almost 8 weeks and i cant notice any results,
    i thought i will be able to see some fat loss in a couple of weeks after the first shot but i cant notice anything.

    i'm taking 4IU daily splited into 2 shots.

    maybe this is because im doing something wrong,
    after the injection im putting the vial back in the fridge ,and using it for the next 3 days..
    is it o.k to do that?

  2. #2
    Timm1704's Avatar
    Timm1704 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Judging by what everyone who uses GH on here says, GH will take much longer than 8 weeks before you notice anything. All research that I have carried out points to the 12 week mark before anything starts happening, and even then, running it for 6 months should be the minimum.

    i have acouple of friends who claim that they got leaner within a matter of weeks from using GH, but i also have friends who insist winstrol helped them strip fat, so alot of my friends have no clue what they are on about. I will go with the advice of people on this board.

  3. #3
    jerseyboy's Avatar
    jerseyboy is offline Anabolic Member
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    Yeah 8 weeks isn't long enough. It depends on your BF% to begin with but you should start seeing something by 12 weeks. After that the changes seem to come weekly. You may not notice cause your looking for it in the mirror every day but other people will tell you. Then one day you'll just be like wahoo!

  4. #4
    Anabolic2007's Avatar
    Anabolic2007 is offline New Member
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    thank you guys , i hope you are right...
    i thought that because of its short life time i will be able to see changes in a few days (in bodyfat) but i guess i was wrong

    cant wait to see some results! meanwhile the other anabolics will be just fine

  5. #5
    jerseyboy's Avatar
    jerseyboy is offline Anabolic Member
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    You should have done more research before doing GH if you wanted immediate results.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    hgh definitely takes quite a while...I started about 2 months ago on and off and I can barely say I've felt much besides some joint aches.

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