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  1. #1
    Rubberduk is offline New Member
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    Is it really undetectable??

    I have been doing research for a little while now and I guess I am trying to cover all my bases. I am currently in the military where, as you might guess, we have completely random urinalysis whenever Uncle Sam feels like it. Now I am confident that I won't pop a piss test, not even for many hard steriods . Supposedly the tests for steriods are to expensive and in depth,that the military won't even do them unless they have probable cause. My question is that I do have yearly blood tests drawn for HIV, cholesterol, so on and so forth. What are the chances of anything about HGH comiong up on any blood tests? Jintropin is what I can most likely get a hold of at this point, so thats what I would be taking.


  2. #2
    STED's Avatar
    STED is offline Associate Member
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    Yeah i play pro rugby and could do with finding out the same, as i get piss tested and can also get blood tested.

  3. #3
    STED's Avatar
    STED is offline Associate Member
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    anyone?? sorry for hijackin your thread pal, jus really curios myself!

  4. #4
    slayer1983 is offline Associate Member
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    least so far for doping tests they dont have a test yet im sure in a

  5. #5
    mikesportsguy22 is offline New Member
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    yes as far as i know it is undetectable. Maybe the only way it can be detected is if you get a blood test immediately after injection due to the fact of how fast it is used in the body

  6. #6
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    I heard on the congressional committee meeting about HGH that on option would be to put an inert marker in the HGH so that the HGH might not show up in a test but the marker would indicating that it has been used. Now how long it would stay detectable and if drug companies would do this I can't say but it was a suggestion. If the gear is ugl then it most likely wouldn't happen. Kinda ironic they even said in the committee meeting that HGH is overrated lol. Its such a control thing with them aholes.

  7. #7
    ***xxx***'s Avatar
    ***xxx*** is offline Anabolic Member
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    it is detectable - since olympic games in Sydney. (actually a little bit earlier). they can ony detect it a few days after usage-so if your on a continously hgh cycle you have a problem (if they test hgh in the military...)

  8. #8
    morfeuss's Avatar
    morfeuss is offline Junior Member
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    im not 100% sure, but i knwo they developped the test for hgh for the sydney games, but they did not use it, the tests were too expensive and is still getting developped and in discussion so see whether it will be used or no. i heard also they have new types of tests for hgh but its still in the stage where they have to show to ioc that its good , working etc, its politics.... but as far as i know they wont detect hgh yet under wada piss tests

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