Thread: concrete hgh / aas cycle
02-25-2008, 04:41 PM #1New Member
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concrete hgh / aas cycle
I´ve just finished my hgh / aas cycle plan und would be very grateful for any tips / recommendations, since its my first gh run.
some data : 31 ys old, 5`11 , ~ 220 lbs, bf ~ 14 %
training for 15 years with short breaks , aas exprience ~ 8 years ( short cycles)
Im planning to run gh ( starting with 2 i.U.s 5 on / 2 off), testo E ( starting with 600 mg e5d ) and tren E ( 300 mg e4d), no slin, some t3/4 ( combination product) , just in case.
2 i.u.s are fine with me, planning to go up to 3 i.u`s after ~ 2months ( not necessary if there are any results with 2) and maybe even 4 i.u`s .
complete gh duration is 6 - 8 months, depending on the results.
Since I train in the morning, I plan to get up, have BF, take my gh 2 hrs afterwards, work out and have my pwn.
I am a little unsure about the aas cycle , several people tell me that its preferrable to begin with the GH , others tell me to start with aas.
In any case, I plan to stay on aas for the full gh cycle and even 2 months afterwards - or do you think that 2 shorter cycles would be better ?
is it okay to use some t3/t4 component (bitiron) for 4 to 6 weeks or would that influence my results too much ?
another thing I`d like to minimize is the water - I dont want to look like captain moonface, do you have any tips for me ? ( I know that testo p would have been preferrable, but since I plan to go up to 1g test / week, the frequent injections scared me off).
so please - give me some advice.
02-25-2008, 06:48 PM #2
At 2IU you will experience some minor fat loss benefits but that's about it. If you want muscle gains you will more than likely need a minimum of 4 - 5IU p/day, but do experiement with doses before using 5IU right away so start at 2IU like you suggested and work your way up if necessary.
Cycling GH for 6 - 8 months is a good beginner cycle, and take your HGH first thing in the morning upon waking up as that is the best time to take your HGH in order to avoid interrupting your natural production.
IMO, you are better of having a break between AAS cycles, but that's just my opinion. Many run extended AAS cycles but keep in mind the longer you are ON for the harder it will be to keep your gains when you come OFF. I would start your AAS about 8 - 12 weeks into your HGH cycle when your IGF levels are elevated. So I would probably run a 10 weeker, have a break for a few months then back on again for 10 - 12 weeks while running HGH throughout all this time.
Since HGH will lower your T4, it would be wise to take T4 when using HGH. 50 - 100mcg p/day is sufficent, take it before going to sleep.
HGH is very popular when it comes to water retention, however everyone reacts differently in this department so you won't know how bad the water retention will be till you try HGH, but if you start gaining too much fluid I suggest you lower you dose by 1IU p/day. Just ensure you start on a low dose and work your way up slowly to avoid severe side effects.
Hope that helped, and all the best to you.
02-26-2008, 04:41 AM #3New Member
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Hello Gear,
thanks a lot for your advice.
Your previous posts helped me a lot in planning my new cycle.
02-26-2008, 04:51 AM #4
Not a problem, all the best.
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