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Thread: HGH and TEst + Furabol cycle. (Gear)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    HGH and TEst + Furabol cycle. (Gear)

    Hi guys. this is a question to specially GEAR( think he's got lots of good info after reading lot of he's answers) and off course the ones who means they have good knowledge..and i mean GOOD knowledge)....

    first about 35 years old. iv'e been training 20 years. first martial art and for the last 7 years hard bodypumping. I tryid lot of cycles and a lot of components, and always hold my normal body breaks about 3 months everytime to let my body go back to normal so much it can. im in good shape and got testet liver and other stuff every year so no problem there. i am 174 cm height and normaly (not in a cycle) weight about 78- 80 kg.) i train everyday except sunday all year also christmas, summer and so on. now the facts are there here what it is.
    I've just started first time on HGH and as so many other thing i do to my body and read almost anything about i can. but i'll like your opion on the cycle.
    iv'e startede with 4 iu a day and 2 furabol tabs on 10 mg every day.
    in one week i took...(now hold on) 5 kg's on. so it seems that my body likes the HGH. i take 2 iu in the morning and 2 iu in the afternoon. not before i go to bed cause a read red barons article about yourself producing natural when you sleep, so dont disturb that.....
    ive now on the first week started with the testerone by the side. its testeoblend. 3 different tests and shootin 500mg every week.... monday 200 mg...wensday (spelled wrong i know) 100mg and friday the last 200 mg. and will do so in 3 months. ive never have tendences to get gyno and i bought the shampoo to prevent loss of hair. so i should be guarded. but im not good a diet...i am not a big eater. i start off course with breakfast at morning 3-4 eggs and bacon and beans... lunch its plates with different things ...a shake after traing 50gr protein. and evening dinner a good solid meal and a night shake before bed. cause of my high burn of fat.

    so heres the the hints i would u (GEAR) and others to give me about.

    when start to rise the HGH... and with time of shooting...?
    (the HGH is highly Q product from a danish company)

    testoblend...when to shoot and how much?

    others to include..??? already furabol... and later on winstrol but not to early cause of my high fat burning natural.

    and good to get more protein and maybe other things to get got gain..?

    My goal is to gain as much muscle and fat in next 3 months. and then cutting cycle for 1,5 - 2 months

    with deeply regards and respect Topshot.
    Last edited by Topshot; 03-29-2008 at 09:31 AM.

  2. #2
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    OK, so, Im a bit confused. Now you are asking about when to use the test? I thought you had said you were going to do 500mgs broken up to 3x ew? Why dont you just post your questions up now, you gave us your stats and back ground which is good, but could you try to make your questions a little clearer. No flame at all.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

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    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  3. #3
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    Feb 2006

    hints and good advice.

    hmmm.... u couldnt see the title...about hints...?

    yes i only asked for opions...and not negative comments.....
    so if you not have good poestive ideas og self used experince why comment then...? and hey is this a forum where we can learn from each other or???

    no regards on that comment.


  4. #4
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    HGH and AAS is a great combo, but for maximum benefits I would use HGH alone for about 8 - 12 weeks, and then introduce AAS to your HGH cycle. I would say that would be the most beneficial way of using HGH and AAS.

    If you are taking 4IU, you are best of taking 2IU as soon as you wake up, and 2IU early afternoon. We want to try and avoid interrupting your body's natural production so taking HGH at these times would be your best option for now.

    As for the testoblend, I am not excatly sure what type of AAS that is. Anyway, if you are after muscle gains I would use no less than 400 - 500mgs p/week. But remember what I said above, use HGH for about 8 - 12 weeks, then start using AAS (testoblend) while continnuing to use HGH. You can certainly start using HGH and AAS at the same time, but it would be nice to introduce AAS when your IGF levels are elevated.

    I would visit the diet forum and follow a bulking diet while using HGH and AAS. Then when you are ready to cut, change your diet from a bulking diet to a cutting diet of course.

    Good luck.


  5. #5
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Topshot View Post
    hmmm.... u couldnt see the title...about hints...?

    yes i only asked for opions...and not negative comments.....
    so if you not have good poestive ideas og self used experince why comment then...? and hey is this a forum where we can learn from each other or???

    no regards on that comment.

    I TOLD you I wasnt flaming, your fuc'n horrible english wasnt allowing me to understand what the fuc wanted us to tell you. Why not try to do some research on your own, instead of asking us to spell it out for you, as far as experience, Ive just about ran GH everyway with almost all compounds worth using. I was trying to help you.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gear View Post

    HGH and AAS is a great combo, but for maximum benefits I would use HGH alone for about 8 - 12 weeks, and then introduce AAS to your HGH cycle. I would say that would be the most beneficial way of using HGH and AAS.

    If you are taking 4IU, you are best of taking 2IU as soon as you wake up, and 2IU early afternoon. We want to try and avoid interrupting your body's natural production so taking HGH at these times would be your best option for now.

    As for the testoblend, I am not excatly sure what type of AAS that is. Anyway, if you are after muscle gains I would use no less than 400 - 500mgs p/week. But remember what I said above, use HGH for about 8 - 12 weeks, then start using AAS (testoblend) while continnuing to use HGH. You can certainly start using HGH and AAS at the same time, but it would be nice to introduce AAS when your IGF levels are elevated.

    I would visit the diet forum and follow a bulking diet while using HGH and AAS. Then when you are ready to cut, change your diet from a bulking diet to a cutting diet of course.

    Good luck.


    hi gear...thanks for answering.... ;-)

    yea i read your other post about starting the AAS after 8 - 12 weeks...
    but i already started just get more strenght to more hardpumping..... but as i said after only one week ive gained 5 it can be that wrong? maybe my production level og IFG was so low, that anyway if i started the AAS now or later i will have a good result.?
    What about the Furabol tablets 2x 10 mg ED...? you know anything about that? just heard all the guys are doing them and say they are great,..?
    The testoblend is a
    10 ml multidose vial with white print, contains 30mg/ml of Testosterone Propionate, 100mg/ml of Testosterone Cypionate
    120mg/ml Testosterone Enantate.... and iv'e read that the basic test is good to run with HGH...? do i need other things for a max result?

    thanks again for your answer.


  7. #7
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    wrong foot...

    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    I TOLD you I wasnt flaming, your fuc'n horrible english wasnt allowing me to understand what the fuc wanted us to tell you. Why not try to do some research on your own, instead of asking us to spell it out for you, as far as experience, Ive just about ran GH everyway with almost all compounds worth using. I was trying to help you.
    Heeeey maybe we started on at the wrong foot.... it just seemed one of those typically "why do you even write and dont know what your doing" answers.... but hey sorry if i misunderstood that you were trying to help...
    and hey im from another country and i've seen more badly spelling than mine.... ;-) but think we started wrong.....five.....


  8. #8
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Topshot View Post
    hi gear...thanks for answering.... ;-)

    yea i read your other post about starting the AAS after 8 - 12 weeks...
    but i already started just get more strenght to more hardpumping..... but as i said after only one week ive gained 5 it can be that wrong? maybe my production level og IFG was so low, that anyway if i started the AAS now or later i will have a good result.?
    What about the Furabol tablets 2x 10 mg ED...? you know anything about that? just heard all the guys are doing them and say they are great,..?
    The testoblend is a
    10 ml multidose vial with white print, contains 30mg/ml of Testosterone Propionate, 100mg/ml of Testosterone Cypionate
    120mg/ml Testosterone Enantate.... and iv'e read that the basic test is good to run with HGH...? do i need other things for a max result?

    thanks again for your answer.

    As I said, there is nothing wrong with starting AAS and HGH at the same time so I guess just continue doing what you have been.

    The weight you have gained is probably water weight and is more than likely AAS to blame for. This is quite common so no problems there.

    The type of testoblend that you have is excellent for gaining muscle, so just keep on using that at about 500mgs p/week.

    I am not sure what furabol is. The only furabol I know of is anti cholesterol medicine, but I am assuming that is not what you are referring to. What excatly is in furabol?

    You have the main compounds for muscle gaining (testoblend + HGH), the furabol is more than likely to be something like dianabol or anadrol which will only give you a kick start in your cycle and is not as essential as the rest of the compounds you are using.

    Good luck.


  9. #9
    Here is a great site for you to study and learn about HGH. It has everything you need to know to get quick and useful knowledge on HGH and its effects as a daily supplement. Don't mind the product that is being sold on the site or their 'hype' about HGH not having to be injected. It is true that it doesn't have to be injected but, of course we all know that it is best when injected. Regardless, there are some informative and educational articles on HGH and I'm sure beginners will find the info useful.

    And remember kids...Google is your friend! Try finding out as much info as possible on your own and then confirming it in the forums. It makes for much better content and education for everyone.

    Last edited by Vizualize360; 05-17-2009 at 10:55 AM.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Vizualize360 View Post
    Here is a great site for you to study and learn about HGH. It has everything you need to know to get quick and useful knowledge on HGH and its effects as a daily supplement. Don't mind the product that is being sold on the site or their 'hype' about HGH not having to be injected. It is true that it doesn't have to be injected but, of course we all know that it is best when injected. Regardless, there are some informative and educational articles on HGH and I'm sure beginners will find the info useful.

    And remember kids...Google is your friend! Try finding out as much info as possible on your own and then confirming it in the forums. It makes for much better content and education for everyone.

    A lot of it can't be found with google. There are a bunch of sites about hgh injections like that can't be found in the first page of google.

    There is a funny thing about forums though. No matter where you go there are always the people telling to use the google.. What's the point in the forum then?

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