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  1. #1
    T3/T4 GSR's Avatar
    T3/T4 GSR is offline Senior Member
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    Best peptide for spot muscle growth

    I have been looking at IGF and MGF to try and even out a problem I have. My left pec is bigger then my right but my right shoulder is larger than my left. The right pec has been smaller since before I started working out so I guess this caused one muscle to make up ofr the other. No matter how much I try and fix this with just different lifting techniques nothing works so I am turning to this. So anyone know which product would be a better choice shooting into each muslce EOD or so.

  2. #2
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Increasing the size of one pec only may be difficult as that body part is quite large.

    Many users claim that LR3-IGF1 is good for spot increasing so you may want to give that a go. Keep in mind that increasing one muscle only can be a lengthy process especially if you are dealing with muscles such as the pecs and/or the quads for example.


  3. #3
    F8L Bite svt is offline New Member
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    I was wondering the same thing since I have the same issue. I see AR-R has IGF in stock again. I am not sure that the IGF I got from C1 is working or even any good. I hink most people have one arm or peck or other body part that is bigger then the other. I am right handed but my right Bi and Tri are smaller then my left yet my right arm is some how still stronger. Like GEAR said it will take a long time to catch one up to the other.

  4. #4
    ChuckLee's Avatar
    ChuckLee is offline Scammer
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    I've heard somewhere that MGF causes spot growth, but nobody has proven it yet.


  5. #5
    Peducho0113 is offline Senior Member
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    I also heard that MGF causes spot growth but as ChuckLee said there are no solid proofs about this claim.

  6. #6
    T3/T4 GSR's Avatar
    T3/T4 GSR is offline Senior Member
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    Anyone ever tried this with the mgf or both mgf/igf?

  7. #7
    malibulsone is offline New Member
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    I am going to start MGF soon myself...will post my results in a couples weeks. Debating on if I want to try the IGF/LR3 as well. As it is quite pricey but at least 1mg can last a month or more for a new user.

    I have however several friends that have tried both and gotten really good results like 10-15lbs and some claimed spot growth.

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