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Thread: for profistional bodybulder

  1. #1

    for profistional bodybulder

    I have some questions
    1-can i take hgh and ansolin at the same tim(morning)?
    by the way, I want to take to take ansolin twis in one day each time (7iu)
    2-can I eatdirectly after having ansolin, or I shoud what?
    3-can I take ansolin for long time (everyday)?
    4-Is that right I cannot eat shogar with hgh?
    5-I take this ansolin (Actapid)
    Thank you...

  2. #2
    Bro i presume you mean INSULINE? with ansolin?
    Do some homework.When you dont know what to do this combi can kill you

  3. #3
    Ok.. insuline
    thank you

  4. #4
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by carlucci View Post
    I have some questions
    1-can i take hgh and ansolin at the same tim(morning)?
    by the way, I want to take to take ansolin twis in one day each time (7iu)
    2-can I eatdirectly after having ansolin, or I shoud what?
    3-can I take ansolin for long time (everyday)?
    4-Is that right I cannot eat shogar with hgh?
    5-I take this ansolin (Actapid)
    Thank you...
    You are best of taking HGH in the morning and insulin after training. There is no need to take insulin anymore than once a day.

    You need to learn the diet side of things when it comes to insulin as it will save your life. To answer your quetion, you need to eat carbs immidietly after injection.

    Take insulin 4 weeks ON, 4 weeks OFF. Many follow this method with success.

    You should avoid consuming carbs around your HGH injection. Proteins and fats are ok.

    Actrapid is the wrong type of insulin to take as it is long acting. You need to take a fast acting insulin such as novorapid or humalog.

    You still have a bit to learn, so do your research before starting anything.

    Good luck.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2003
    United States
    like gear said the only slin you can use for bodybuilding purposes are novo, humalog or humilin-r. anything else lasts way to long and will only do damage. right after injecting you want to have a drink with about 50grams of whey and 6-8 grams of carbs per iu of slin. one hour later you want to eat a meal high in protein and carbs and low in fat. if you eat to much fat when taking slin you will get fat. you need to do alot more research before using slin because there is still alot to learn

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