Guys,if got a question
I am planning to do my AS cycle.I am almost 8 weeks on my hyge.
Plan is to run 150mg test prop eod and masteron 150eod.For 8/10 weeks
My problem with test is that i get huge waterretention.Even when i stack it with another compound like winny or masteron.
So i want to cycle a bit of arimidex or femara the whole cycle.
The question is that i am scarred that these products will lower my hard earned igf.
Do some of you know if the arimidex or femara lower these levels?
And by what amount do i suppose to run it?And wich anti e ore anti a will do the job?
I am on 3,5iu HGH a day 5/7 and got some terrible sites with my tendons,they are killing me.I want to run the hyges for about 1 year.I got rid of the watterretension.But i gained nearly 4 kg in these 2 month,only with the Hyge.I am on low carb,and cardio about 6/7 hours a week.
thanks for the attention
best regards