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Thread: lowering igf levels with anti A?

  1. #1

    lowering igf levels with anti A?

    Guys,if got a question

    I am planning to do my AS cycle.I am almost 8 weeks on my hyge.

    Plan is to run 150mg test prop eod and masteron 150eod.For 8/10 weeks
    My problem with test is that i get huge waterretention.Even when i stack it with another compound like winny or masteron.
    So i want to cycle a bit of arimidex or femara the whole cycle.

    The question is that i am scarred that these products will lower my hard earned igf.
    Do some of you know if the arimidex or femara lower these levels?
    And by what amount do i suppose to run it?And wich anti e ore anti a will do the job?

    I am on 3,5iu HGH a day 5/7 and got some terrible sites with my tendons,they are killing me.I want to run the hyges for about 1 year.I got rid of the watterretension.But i gained nearly 4 kg in these 2 month,only with the Hyge.I am on low carb,and cardio about 6/7 hours a week.

    thanks for the attention

    best regards

  2. #2
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Jul 2003

    Anti estrogens can effect your IGF-1 however not to the point where your reduced gains will be noticable. Running anti E's is quite common these days and I don't really see anything wrong with it expecially if you are already using HGH and/or IGF.

    The ones who do use anti E's throughout cycle will usually use say tamoxifen at 20mg p/day from start of cycle to the end.


  3. #3
    The problem with novadex is that my liver cant handle it verry well.My Gamma GT rise to 100 (<37)
    So i dont think i run that.Is arimidex an option Gear?And on what dose?

  4. #4
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Jul 2003
    Adex throughout cycle is fine. Users will usually use about .25mg EOD and when it comes to PCT time it may be an idea to use about .5mg ED.


  5. #5
    Thnx bro

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