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  1. #1
    Nasser Kovacs is offline New Member
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    Nov 2007

    Nutrition intake and Insulin,while takinig Anbolics.

    I decided particiate to Bodybuilding contest in 9th of November in Japan, cause I will start to taking Anabolics from 20th in June.
    It will be 20 weeks cycles for contest.I planed to take

    Teststerone 1000mg/week
    Masterone 100mg/day
    Trenborone 300 mg/week
    IGF-1,LR3 100mg/post-training
    Insulin 5-10iu/post-training

    then,I planed gain first 8weeks(I mean bulking up),and get ripped in next 12weeks.Now,I'm traininig completely drug free.
    Well...I have two questions.
    One is about nutrition intake(especially protein) in cycle.Now I'm in pre-diet(I mean,not so strict),I am taking

    250-300g protein/day
    200-250g carbs/day
    20g fat/day
    total 2500-3000kcal/day

    How much nutrition intake I should take in cycle,especially about protei? I read articles or interviews that Pros are taking 4-5g of protein per 1kg of body weight....Should I take more protein?

    Another question is about taking Insulin.I planed take Insulin 5-10iu post-training only first 8weeks for bulking up in cycle.Now,my bodyweight is 240lbs around and bodyfat is 15% around.
    Can I take Insulin? I was always looking "soft" on stage...because I was not ripped enough.Next contest,I really want to make myself looking "Tight and Dry".

    Please give advicies,and sorry for my English is not good.
    Thank you.

  2. #2
    bhamstaff is offline Associate Member
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    England, Birmingham
    you plan on bulking for 8 weeks on only 2500calories and 200grams carbs? id up calories considerably for the 8 weeks and raise carbs slightly. keep protein above 300grams atleast because of your bodyweight and gear consumption. id probably give myself a little more time then 12 weeks to drop your bodyfat as its at 15%.

  3. #3
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Insulin is the last thing that's going to make your look dry. If you have always looked soft then stay away from insulin. Insulin is mostly beneficial for bulking.

    Please forward all your diet questions to the diet forum.



  4. #4
    Nasser Kovacs is offline New Member
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    Nov 2007

    Thanks a lot!

    I'm so sorry to be late response,I was so busy in this week and I could'nt check web site...
    Anyways,thanks for Mr.bhamstaff and Mr.Gear for answering.

    >you plan on bulking for 8 weeks on only 2500calories and 200grams carbs?

    Well.I will take little more carbs in first 8weeks.But it's so hard tome get ripped...because I guess that I should keep my dieting untill contest.

    >Insulin is the last thing that's going to make your look dry. If you have always looked soft then stay away from insulin. Insulin is mostly beneficial for bulking.

    Please forward all your diet questions to the diet forum.

    Oh...I sould stay away from insulin? Even first 8 weeks,just 5IU post-training?
    And,I will post this thread to the diet forum again.
    Thanks a lot,two guys!

  5. #5
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    You can go ahead and use insulin but keep in mind that it is very easy to gain fat when insulin is in the game.


  6. #6
    Nasser Kovacs is offline New Member
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    Nov 2007


    Thanks for answer.
    I will taking small dosage of Insulin (5IU post-workout),I will be careful don't strage fat.
    Than you so much.

  7. #7
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    You might want to purchase a blood glucose monitor. These little devices are cheap and very handy.

    If your reading is too high then you know you have consumed too many carbohydrates which can lead to fat gain, and if your reading is too low then you know you still have plenty of room for more nutrients without worrying you're going to store fat.


  8. #8
    Nasser Kovacs is offline New Member
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    Nov 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Gear View Post
    You might want to purchase a blood glucose monitor. These little devices are cheap and very handy.

    If your reading is too high then you know you have consumed too many carbohydrates which can lead to fat gain, and if your reading is too low then you know you still have plenty of room for more nutrients without worrying you're going to store fat.

    Thnks for good information!
    I will check about that stuff in web site.
    Thank you.

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