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Thread: hope this doesnt sound stupid but....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    hope this doesnt sound stupid but....

    i just got my pins in today for hgh. its a 29g 1cc/ 100 unit needle. so when i try to figure out what 2ius are is where i get screwed up. from what i have read ius are measured differently according to their strengths and types. ex: was 100iu of vitaminc C is not the same as 100iu of vitamin A. WTF !! how many units is equal to 1iu ???

    one site said
    1 ml = 18 iu i think this one is correct
    1ml= 3.3 ius

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    the hgh should say on the vial how much it is before constituted. if the vial says ''10iu'' for instance, and you add 1ml fluid, then 1ml=10iu, .10ml=1iu. The slin pin, if a 1ml syringe, should be divided into 10 increments, so in the above illustration 2 would = 2iu.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    England, Birmingham
    i dont think either are right, but im not 100% sure, i know theres a formula for the conversion, but not sure of that either. easiest way is to look at vial your drawing from and estimate how much your drawing out by knowing how much substance is contained in the vial.

  4. #4
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Quote Originally Posted by bhamstaff View Post
    i dont think either are right, but im not 100% sure, i know theres a formula for the conversion, but not sure of that either. easiest way is to look at vial your drawing from and estimate how much your drawing out by knowing how much substance is contained in the vial.
    I was right. Ultimately you have to know the concenration, which is determined by how it is constituted. It could be constituted in a way that would make either of the things he read correct, it all depends on how many iu hgh are being constituded and how much fluid is added. The formula I gave was just an example to explain how it works.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    i figured it out. i was too concerned abnout how much i was adding. but the powder made 10 ius. so i put in 100 ius of BAC water. so now every 10 units of mixed hgh is 1 iu.............i hope this is right

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2002
    It is, I use 18iu vials. To make it easy for me, I add 90 "units" of water. When I draw I pull 15 units of GH which equals 3ius. If I would have added 180 units of water the 30 mark would be 3 iu's. Just do it your way and stay consistant.

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