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Thread: I have concluded...HGH Sux

  1. #1
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    Question I have concluded...HGH Sux

    So let me get this straight. This stuff is expensive as shit. Takes a minimum of 3 months, but really more like 6 months for something to even start to happen.

    But what happens? You loose a little weight, and mass, and dont get ANY strength gains? Hands get arthritis while taking, etc

    I'm 185 lbs @ 5'11", I dont need to loose mass, I need to get bigger!!!

    It's called human GROWTH hormone, wtf is it doing shrinking my mass.

    Why does Barry bonds head look like a freaking Boulder?

    Someone please set the record straight and tell me where I am going wrong here...Nitro

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
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    Someone wouldn't be losing muscle mass due to HGH, unless something else is wrong.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    Someone wouldn't be losing muscle mass due to HGH, unless something else is wrong.

    Well lets just say it doesnt promote the process of muscle growth as the name implies...Nitro

  4. #4
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    HGH is not a "quick fix" by any means. Keepable gains in muscle mass can be made, but it will take a long time, and a relatively high dose. Many others in this section know much more about it than I do, so bump for more input, but as far as I'm concerned HGH definitely has it's place in bodybuilding. I doubt I will ever come off other than for a break every now and then.

  5. #5
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    It's based on goals. Not just for people that want Mass.

    In my many years of experience. If using just GH, I havent put on much mass. Used with other components I have put on Mass and retained all of it.

    Different strokes for different folks Nitro.

    Before I really knew anything about it. Everyone would say the same thing "GH makes you HUUUUUGE." At the same time they never took it. Now that it's much more popular and many have ran it, stories have changed.

    I LOVE GH and that's all I use. Been cycling it for about 5 years now and on for about the past 6 months. Plan on staying on for at least another 6 months before taking a break.

    Makes me feel like a million bucks. Skin is nice and tight, hair is shiney and healthy. My body feels remarkable and never have any aches or pains. I never had a problem with staying lean but it keeps me very lean year round. I just absolutely love it......

  6. #6
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    HGH is certainly not for everybody and that's why there is always going to be someone who doesn't like it. I have always said HGH is only good if you are looking at using it long term otherwise the benefits are not worth the $ you pay for it. So, if you want to do one 6 month cycle then yeah HGH will suck as it won't deliver anything major within that time, but if you are a competetive athlete who is looking at using it for the next 5 years ON/OFF then the gains are certainly worth it.


  7. #7
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    If your diet and training isn't on spot the HGH really won't do much good. If used correctly GH can enduce fatloss and hyperplasia....not a loss of mass (they don't give it to AIDS patients because it helps them lose mass) It is given to them because it helps them from losing LBM.

    Like said above, it is an expensive drug, and is not a quick fix. I don't notice results unless taken at a dose of 5-10iu or higher. Plus, if you got crappy GH obviously you wouldnt notice results.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gear View Post
    HGH is certainly not for everybody and that's why there is always going to be someone who doesn't like it. I have always said HGH is only good if you are looking at using it long term otherwise the benefits are not worth the $ you pay for it. So, if you want to do one 6 month cycle then yeah HGH will suck as it won't deliver anything major within that time, but if you are a competetive athlete who is looking at using it for the next 5 years ON/OFF then the gains are certainly worth it.

    I absolutly agree. My muscle looks very different...more dense and grainy from years of GH/IGF use. The long term effects are spectacular if you use it right, and you almost cannot be at top level without some type of drug thet enduces hyperplacia. The abnormal size seems unobtainable w/out it.

  9. #9
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    Thanks guys I really appreciate the input, this was exactly the kind of discussion I was looking for. My gear is definitely good, its the blue cap chinese stuff, but its good.

    I am 36yrs old, 5'11" and 185ish. I am not an athlete, I am not a "body builder", though I do work out 6 days a week and am trying to bulk up a lot. My haircut makes me look like a Marine, I am not worried about having silky smooth skin or anything like that.

    The main thing I need is a huge boost in self confidence, inner game, whatever. Have any of you noticed any emotional changes brought on by Gh, keeping in mind that I am on test e , etc as part of my cycle. Someone very knowledgeable recommended this for me and I am curious about this gh the more I learn about it.

    Any boost in confidence with GH?


  10. #10
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    RIP Brother...
    GH will not directly do anything significant for your confidence, maybe indirectly by your confidence being improved by your new physique but nothing more than that.

    Look into NLP (neuro linguistic programming) it has produced very real imrovements in my confidence levels and happiness.

  11. #11
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    Thanks NotrSmall, I have heard of NLP. I will most surely be checking into that. Thanks again...Nitro

  12. #12
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    Hey brother, I just read that you train 6 days per week. Your gains may not be satisfactory due to overtraining. I used to have the same problem. Now I only train 4-5 days a week, and am larger than ever.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mutation View Post
    Hey brother, I just read that you train 6 days per week. Your gains may not be satisfactory due to overtraining. I used to have the same problem. Now I only train 4-5 days a week, and am larger than ever.

    Thanks Mutation, but I was counting my cardio days in there as well. Here is my general routine:

    Day1 - Chest and Triceps
    Day2 - Cardio and Abs
    Day3 - Back and Biceps
    Day4 - Cardio and Abs
    Day5 - Legs and Shoulders
    Day6 - Cardio and Abs
    Day7 - Rest

    If I skip out on anything, it's legs.

    I take 1iu at wakeup and 1iu post workout. If anything seems out of line there, please let me know, again keeping in mind that I am not a body builder. Thanks guys!


  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nitro29 View Post
    Thanks guys I really appreciate the input, this was exactly the kind of discussion I was looking for. My gear is definitely good, its the blue cap chinese stuff, but its good.

    I am 36yrs old, 5'11" and 185ish. I am not an athlete, I am not a "body builder", though I do work out 6 days a week and am trying to bulk up a lot. My haircut makes me look like a Marine, I am not worried about having silky smooth skin or anything like that.

    The main thing I need is a huge boost in self confidence, inner game, whatever. Have any of you noticed any emotional changes brought on by Gh, keeping in mind that I am on test e , etc as part of my cycle. Someone very knowledgeable recommended this for me and I am curious about this gh the more I learn about it.

    Any boost in confidence with GH?

    ABSOLUTELY!! Much better attitude while on HGH. It's like indorphins runnin' on high ALL DAY! Good Sex etc. Even on my off days.

  15. #15
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    if you want mass GROWTH then go with aas..hgh is expensive as hell..hgh is not the magic pill for muscle mass many think it is but its alot of things and along with proper diet, training, aas cycling and administration of it in itself, it can create some amazing results....good luck to you brother

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nitro29 View Post
    Thanks Mutation, but I was counting my cardio days in there as well. Here is my general routine:

    Day1 - Chest and Triceps
    Day2 - Cardio and Abs
    Day3 - Back and Biceps
    Day4 - Cardio and Abs
    Day5 - Legs and Shoulders
    Day6 - Cardio and Abs
    Day7 - Rest

    If I skip out on anything, it's legs.

    I take 1iu at wakeup and 1iu post workout. If anything seems out of line there, please let me know, again keeping in mind that I am not a body builder. Thanks guys!

    Thats the problem right there bro. You are not taking nearly enough GH to see results. Start with 3.3iu in the morning or pwo, and gradually bump it upto 5iu. 3iu a day is a waste of time and hard earned money.

    When dieting I use 5iu/ed, and when bulking I bump it upto 10iu. I take it all in one dose.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nitro29 View Post

    Day1 - Chest and Triceps
    Day2 - Cardio and Abs
    Day3 - Back and Biceps
    Day4 - Cardio and Abs
    Day5 - Legs and Shoulders
    Day6 - Cardio and Abs
    Day7 - Rest

    this could also be the problem. seems like alot... to much stress on the cns....i could get away with a routine like this IF i was able to do nothing for the rest of the day,but in combination with physical labour my progress would def decline no matter how many cals i take in.


  18. #18
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    Thanks Rodge. You guys maybe right in that I am overtraining, but this is really the only way I know how to workout. Or the only way I have ever worked out I should say. I guess I could cut back on some stuff, again, any suggesstions are welcome.

    Mutation, I can definitely up the dose of Gh if you really think that will help.

    Thanks guys...Nitro

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nitro29 View Post
    Thanks Rodge. You guys maybe right in that I am overtraining, but this is really the only way I know how to workout. Or the only way I have ever worked out I should say. I guess I could cut back on some stuff, again, any suggesstions are welcome.

    Mutation, I can definitely up the dose of Gh if you really think that will help.

    Thanks guys...Nitro

    I would do a few things:

    First, take a few days off. If your body was taking in more stress than it can handle, then you need some healing time before you hit it hard again.

    Next, I would listen to Rodge...he is right. Drop those cardio days. A rest day is supposed to be just that. Cardio puts a ton of stress on your body. That will not allow it to heal well.

    Then, I would up the dose to 5iu GH daily. 2iu a day will do nothing for muscle, and not much for fatloss either.

  20. #20
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    This may be blasphemy but I have found that I can train very little and maintain my level of fitness on HRT levels of T and GH. I have paid the price in the gym historically and have even feel that I reached my potential based upon reasonable chemistry. I do HRT of 200MG of T and 3 ius of GH and over the years have noticed that the only way to gain mass is to increase my levels. I maintain a T level of 1000. If I add a CC of T I gain 5 pounds in about 6 weeks. When I drop back a CC to my normal level I return to my previous weight.

    In light of this discovery I decided to be happy with my mass and to see how little I can do to keep it. I have found that If I do bench, cleans and pull ups once a week 4 sets to failure that I can keep my gains.

    I do bench 10-8-6-4 on Monday, cleans on Wednesday and pull ups on Friday. I feel great and have not lost size since I began 2 years ago.

    I am 45 6'1 235 12-15%

  21. #21
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    i think the only way these guys get so huge is that they are taking between 12-15 iu's daily along with tons of test and other steriods. Plus I bet they eat lots of quality food. Seems like what you are looking for is what test and other steriods provide for growth. The reason Barry Bonds got so big was from taking lots of steriods and not hgh... Look at some of these baseball players who were taking hgh, they were not bodybuilders it was for recovery and healing. Just think how fresh their arms are the next day to pitch. I think hgh can provide growth but it has to be taken in mass amounts and just remember that can be very dangerous. But in reality it comes back to the basics... Proper Diet and Training and what people take for granted Rest. That is just my 2 cents

  22. #22
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    Definitely up to 5IU's a day.

    I have read that HGH is best used with insulin to gain mass. Up your carb intake after your insulin injection as suggested in the below thread and you will start to bulk quickly. I am getting ready to start cycling insulin when done researching.

    Start here:


  23. #23
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    Wow, thanks everybody for your contribution to this thread.

    I am going to take a couple of days off and up the iu's as suggested when I hit it again. We'll see what happens! Thanks again.


  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by midnight777 View Post
    i think the only way these guys get so huge is that they are taking between 12-15 iu's daily along with tons of test and other steriods. Plus I bet they eat lots of quality food. Seems like what you are looking for is what test and other steriods provide for growth. The reason Barry Bonds got so big was from taking lots of steriods and not hgh... Look at some of these baseball players who were taking hgh, they were not bodybuilders it was for recovery and healing. Just think how fresh their arms are the next day to pitch. I think hgh can provide growth but it has to be taken in mass amounts and just remember that can be very dangerous. But in reality it comes back to the basics... Proper Diet and Training and what people take for granted Rest. That is just my 2 cents
    You don't know that brother.

    But you are correct when you say that minimal doses of GH will not add massive size.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nitro29 View Post
    So let me get this straight. This stuff is expensive as shit. Takes a minimum of 3 months, but really more like 6 months for something to even start to happen.

    But what happens? You loose a little weight, and mass, and dont get ANY strength gains? Hands get arthritis while taking, etc

    I'm 185 lbs @ 5'11", I dont need to loose mass, I need to get bigger!!!

    It's called human GROWTH hormone, wtf is it doing shrinking my mass.

    Why does Barry bonds head look like a freaking Boulder?

    Someone please set the record straight and tell me where I am going wrong here...Nitro
    s long as you have not taken real, pharmaceutical grade hgh you can t even say that it sucks. chinese gh could be anything, nobody knows what it is.

    hgh is great I am shedding fat and building muscle - no sideeffects than a little bloating in the beginning. and I m talking about 4iu per day, not more for this effect. it s just so much more potent than the chinese crap. try to get you hands on some genotropin (I m using miniquicks) and then form an opinion about hgh...

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by ***xxx*** View Post
    s long as you have not taken real, pharmaceutical grade hgh you can t even say that it sucks. chinese gh could be anything, nobody knows what it is.

    hgh is great I am shedding fat and building muscle - no sideeffects than a little bloating in the beginning. and I m talking about 4iu per day, not more for this effect. it s just so much more potent than the chinese crap. try to get you hands on some genotropin (I m using miniquicks) and then form an opinion about hgh...
    I came across some blues a while back that were more potent than the Serostim I was using. Miniquicks are nice.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by letmein View Post
    This may be blasphemy but I have found that I can train very little and maintain my level of fitness on HRT levels of T and GH. I have paid the price in the gym historically and have even feel that I reached my potential based upon reasonable chemistry. I do HRT of 200MG of T and 3 ius of GH and over the years have noticed that the only way to gain mass is to increase my levels. I maintain a T level of 1000. If I add a CC of T I gain 5 pounds in about 6 weeks. When I drop back a CC to my normal level I return to my previous weight.

    In light of this discovery I decided to be happy with my mass and to see how little I can do to keep it. I have found that If I do bench, cleans and pull ups once a week 4 sets to failure that I can keep my gains.

    I do bench 10-8-6-4 on Monday, cleans on Wednesday and pull ups on Friday. I feel great and have not lost size since I began 2 years ago.

    I am 45 6'1 235 12-15%
    Not blasphemy at all. I am 46. About a year ago I went from training each body part 2x in 8 days from 1x in 8 days. I only do 4 sets per body part now. Super high intensity though. Deadlifting for the first time in my life. Not sure how the GH plays a role in this if any but it doesnt hurt.

  28. #28
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    Ok, I've been on 4iu's a day now all week. I can barely get out of bed in the morning I'm so tired. And when I do get up I feel like a 90 yr old man. Every joint in my freakin body hurts. These symptoms slowly lessen throughout the day. Would it be ok to take some a\Aleve or something to help with the pain? I am gaining weight like a mother. I put on 10 lbs of lean mass in the last week, and that is no shit. I am guessing this is due to me training like a madman, Test, Anavar, etc. People are starting to notice bigtime, I told only 1 person that I was doing a cycle. My co workers, even my boss is like WTF? None of my clothes fit anymore, this is freakin crazy. I am now on week 4 of my cycle and supposed to start HCG this week. I guess I will stay the course for now and hope the side effects of the GH start to go away, but my spare tire is definitely starting to go away so its doing something good I suppose.
    Last edited by Nitro29; 06-14-2008 at 12:02 PM.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nitro29 View Post
    I put on 10 lbs of lean mass in the last week, and that is no shit. I am guessing this is due to me training like a madman, Test, Anavar,
    Water retention...

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by 956Vette View Post
    Water retention...
    Oh, yeah. didnt think about that lol. Bummer

  31. #31
    Dont you increase the risk of facial changes with higher doses?
    Barry bonds head has gotten bigger and that is not from steroids?

  32. #32
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    I hope not, I am too pretty to be messin with my face Thats why I asked about Barry Bonds in the beginning of this thread. Yes, his head has grown like a freakin cantalope since he was in his 30's. Nothin normal about that, and the media just says hgh, hgh, hgh...nitro

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nitro29 View Post
    So let me get this straight. This stuff is expensive as shit. Takes a minimum of 3 months, but really more like 6 months for something to even start to happen.

    But what happens? You loose a little weight, and mass, and dont get ANY strength gains? Hands get arthritis while taking, etc

    I'm 185 lbs @ 5'11", I dont need to loose mass, I need to get bigger!!!

    It's called human GROWTH hormone, wtf is it doing shrinking my mass.

    Why does Barry bonds head look like a freaking Boulder?

    Someone please set the record straight and tell me where I am going wrong here...Nitro
    The best quality muscle I have ever added to my physique is when I have cycled 10-15iu's ed im along with double that amount of Novolog im injected immediately afterwards and 100mcg of T4 ed. It permitted me to eliminate or use much lower doses of AAS (less in better imo).

    I believe that if a sufficient volume of rHGH is used in conjunction with T4 and cycling on/off of Novolog with proper nutrition and exercise, I can completely replace AAS.

    I feel the main reason that people are dissatisfied with rHGH is due to the following:

    1. Using too low of a dose
    2. Not using it in conjunction with Humalog/Novolog and T4
    3. Improper nutrition
    4. Fake gear

    I love it and plan to use it for the rest of my life.
    Last edited by thunderin; 06-15-2008 at 04:06 AM. Reason: typo

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by midnight777 View Post
    i think the only way these guys get so huge is that they are taking between 12-15 iu's daily along with tons of test and other steriods. Plus I bet they eat lots of quality food. Seems like what you are looking for is what test and other steriods provide for growth. The reason Barry Bonds got so big was from taking lots of steriods and not hgh... Look at some of these baseball players who were taking hgh, they were not bodybuilders it was for recovery and healing.
    nope. barry (and a lot of other ballplayers) took growth+insuline+testo - that s the winning combination...

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by ***xxx*** View Post
    nope. barry (and a lot of other ballplayers) took growth+insuline+testo - that s the winning combination...
    As the Pro's call it "The Golden Triangle".

  36. #36
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    The only thing I am missing is the insulin. And all this time I thought it was just for diabetics

  37. #37
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    I gotta chime in here, First HGH is not really expensive. I use 6iu a day and pay roughly ***EDITED*** a month to do that, I think I pay appropriately for Chinese hgh. On strength I have gotten very strong over the months putting about 50 more pounds on bench, 100 on squat and have gone up all over my body. My body weight is still the same at 273 but sit at 7% without breaking a sweat. This is how it went for me, 2iu did nothing, 4iu started to show, 6iu has made a world of difference over the course of 7 months. I use only 600 a week of test, 10mg of dbol on and off, only 3 units of insulin and 25 mcg of t-3.

    (READ THE RULES - -Gear)

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by thunderin View Post

    I believe that if a sufficient volume of rHGH is used in conjunction with T4 and cycling on/off of Novolog with proper nutrition and exercise, I can completely replace AAS.

    I totall agree with you on this throught my own experences. I have a buddy who is nationaly ranked and never uses AAS. He only uses hgh, slin and t-3. AAS is cheep so why not use it is my idea, but HGH over time has been the most improtiant thing I have ever used. It took me a while of grinding my teeth and wondering when something would happen, till I hit 6iu! Thinking of going 8+ iu real soon, dont know if I will see any aditional advantage.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by IFR View Post
    I gotta chime in here, First HGH is not really expensive. I use 6iu a day and pay roughly ***EDITED*** a month to do that
    It may not be for you, but it certainly is for others.

    Quote Originally Posted by IFR View Post
    On strength I have gotten very strong over the months putting about 50 more pounds on bench, 100 on squat and have gone up all over my body. I use only 600 a week of test, 10mg of dbol on and off, only 3 units of insulin and 25 mcg of t-3.
    How do you know it's the HGH that's increased your gains? 600mg of test p/week is actually quite a lot, I wouldn't say "only 600mg". The only way to know how effective HGH really is, is by using it on its own. If you are using other compounds with HGH then it would difficult to accurately say which drug delivered most gains.


  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gear View Post

    How do you know it's the HGH that's increased your gains? 600mg of test p/week is actually quite a lot, I wouldn't say "only 600mg". The only way to know how effective HGH really is, is by using it on its own.

    I allways use 600 a week for the last 8 years and know exactly where I stood with AAS alone. Until the addition of hgh I have broken all my sticking points, it just took over 6 months to do so.

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