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Thread: hgh for a woman

  1. #1

    hgh for a woman


    I have HGH on the way and need some advice. I am a 26 year old female and have been lifting heavy for around 7 years now. I don’t know my body fat, but I would say it is around 18%. I am a size 27 waist, 5’3” and 133 pounds.

    How should I go about my cycle? Also, have you heard of it helping with cellulite? Even though I am not overweight, I have a small amount of it on the back of my legs (not the dimples, but instead a few small wavy spots that look like fat deposits….hope that makes some sense). I have heard of spot reduction at hgh injection sites….any word on this?

    Thanks for your help!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    United States
    35 people enrolled in the study, 16 men and 19 women. The men were equally divided. 8 of them were 25-50 and 8 were 50 and older. Of the women, 8 were 25-50 and 11 were 50 or older. Only 19 people completed all parts of the study including 2 questionnaires and 2 saliva tests. The measurements of IGF-1 in the saliva rose an average of 4.12% in the placebo group and 10.02% in the HGH group, which is a 2.4 times increase from placebo to treatment group. The patient's self-reported symptoms were considered a significant change if they varied more than one point (or 10%). Therefore, if they changed from a rating of 5 to 6 it was considered within the normal statistical variant. Only changes of 2 levels, such as going from 5 to 7 were considered significant in the evaluations. Measurements were then compared between groups as plus or minus 20, 30, 40 points, etc. The symptoms that showed significant improvement in average ratings between placebo and human growth hormone TREATMENT groups included in descending order: vision (+11.16), skin condition(+11.03), energy levels(+11.03), overall health(+10.0), muscle strength(+8.97), joint movement(+6.1), and memory retention(+4.42). The areas with no significant difference were: blood pressure(+.65), mental clarity(-.78), and sleeping pattern(-2.47). The only symptom that was somewhat higher in the placebo group than in the treatment group was sleep pattern

    you want to start out with 1iu of hgh shot early morning and you can insrease that to 2ius after 2 or 3 weeks. try to run it for at least 4 months for max. results and fat loss
    Last edited by PT; 06-21-2008 at 03:53 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Although I am not familiar with women doing HGH, I wanted to say that 1IU for 4 months will probably not do anything that you will notice. I have been on 3.3 IU's of HGH for a little less than a year. I take it everyday and to be honest do not notice whether it has helped at all. Because I am taking it I am motivated to get on the treadmill for an hour everyday to help with the weight loss, but this is no wonder drug with regards to physical changes.
    I think the reason it gets great press is because it does offer wonderful benefits, but I think this is after long periods of time, possibly years of use. I personally use this and therefore should not say it does not work, because it does. I simply think everyone should be aware that this is a long term treatment plan with mild results when taken in low doses.
    Good luck and if you choose to move forward please keep a journal. There are many people that would be interested in learning how this effected you and what your results were.

  4. #4
    Thanks for the replies. I agree that it must be long term. I have 300IU coming my way so I can take a higher dose and for a while (and order more if I am happy as 300 IU should last me long enough that I see something happen). I will start a journal. There is so little information out there for women that a journal could be helpful for other girls. My fiancé took HGH and was very happy with it. He too says it takes a very long time though to see results and thus differs from steroids in that way.

  5. #5
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    The Gym
    I would start with 1 IU a day (if not a 1/2 IU) ... working your way up to somewhere between 1.5 IU's and 3 IU's at the top end of reasonable. Realize that you may be able to run at 1 IU - 1.5 IU's for your whole cycle. It really is a different game than running the same hormone in males. While I am certainly a poster child for running my share of high dose HGH cycles, I am going to tell you that especially in women, more is not better.

    While HGH will work for women like it does in men, the problem is that Growth hormone, prolactin, and placental lactogen are a subfamily of a large 2-class cytokine superfamily of proteins. The amino acid sequences of hGH and hPL are similar (85% homology). In us humans, each of these three proteins can bind hPRL receptors and promote a variety of physiological actions. What you will see in some women is a sudden appearance of I guess what we could in general term "female" problems.

    Over the years, I have had a mixed bag when helping females that desired to use HGH. If you look around the various forums on the net, you will see some women have had some bad experiences with these peptides through the years ... probably for the reason mentioned above. That being said, I had my mother on a unit a day prescription of HGH for years ... and she felt 100% better and had no negative effects at all. It is just something to keep a watch on. If you start having some negative effects (extreme water retention and bloating, change in your menstral functions, weird cramping / bloating, breast anomalies, etc.) then it is time to re-evaluate your course of action.

    If you haven't done so in the not so distant past, I would have a quick once over to make sure that breast or ovarian tumor problems or concerns are not present before entering into a cycle of HGH or IGF's. I would also be mindful of the fact that HGH, growth factors, and estrogen are a combination that can affect your breast tissues, causing sometimes desirable changes (little more fullness, firmness), other times not so desirable. In female cancer patients, we intentionally keep growth factor levels as low as possible to ensure long term health. Certainly HGH and IGF don't CAUSE any type of cancer, tumor, or other problem ... but if you already have those issues, elevating system-wide growth factors can just add a little extra fuel to an already existing fire. Since the family of hormones we are dealing with in HGH can fuel some of the more common female tumor concerns, it is always best to be safe than to find out later you were helping along an existing problem in the making.

    As far as where to inject, it is true enough that HGH does have a localized effect on fat cells, but the magnitude of that effect has been overstated through the years. If you are already really lean (national level bb lean), injecting HGH into the areas that you have a miniscule amount of fat left will most certainly help. If on the other hand you are just an average person with average fat, while it is still going to be doing a little bit for you chances are you will never see the difference because it is happening at a microscopic cellular level. That being said, HGH will work anywhere you can inject subQ, so if you have some areas of concern by all means inject away ... over time it may make a visible difference.

    Best of luck.
    Last edited by RedBaron; 06-22-2008 at 03:20 AM.

  6. #6
    Thank you for the detailed information. I will start off slow for sure as I realize now that it will help to prevent side effects. Provided that I don’t notice any “women problems”, how long do you feel I can take HGH for at a higher dose (say around 2 IU)?

  7. #7
    also, my goals are along the lines of figure bodybuilding (the look...although i don't know if i'd ever compete)

  8. #8
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    At the dose of 2 IU's per day or so, you could stay on pretty much as long as you like (or can afford). My mother was on for a few years, and I was pretty much more on than off for the better part of a decade. Neither of us (or any of my other friends "a.k.a. guinnea pigs") are anything other than age-appropriate, healthy adults. About the only difference is we don't look our age and our overall condition is that of a slightly younger person. I would take your dose in one of the following ways -

    - All of it first thing in the morning when you wake up
    - Half at about 4am and the other half first thing on waking
    - Half first thing in the morning and the other half early afternoon

    Any of those plans will minimize the effect on your own endogenous release of HGH. If you keep your diet reasonably clean, make a decent attempt at a regular workout routine, and use your HGH you should have no trouble getting from where you are presently to possessing a more "figure" type figure. Best of luck! Keep us posted on your progress.
    Last edited by RedBaron; 06-23-2008 at 01:31 AM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    On an Island
    I have been taking 2.5 ius since january this year and am satisfied with my results. i was also on it last year from january till september, took a little break over the holidays! i don't know anything about the skin texture benefits you were talking about on your legs though. i do know that my skin is nice and tight, good tone and my complexion is really smooth too. hopefully it will stay that way for a long time! best of luck to you!

  10. #10

    Thanks for the reply. Approx how much fat loss have you experienced and how long did it take to happen? Also, do you feel you gained much muscle from it?


  11. #11
    Join Date
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    On an Island
    It took a few months to see the tightness starting to appear but as far as fat loss I have to tell you that I don't really have any fat that I needed to loose so I can't say if it helped me in that way. I don't feel I gained muscle from it either. That comes from working out and other stuff that I take! I agree with Oki-dees when he stated that it is not a wonder drug as far as physical changes though. It has certainly enhanced my look so for that I am happy and will continue to take it!

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    United States
    are you taking t-3 with your hgh? people have different views on this and i have seen mixed studies but personally i consider t-3 a must with hgh. the longer your on it the more your thyroid will reduce production. you need to supplement t-3 to get your levles back to normal so you can get max. results out of your hgh. your body temp should slightly decrease after a few weeks of hgh use and when that happens and your around the 97-98 mark instead of 98.6 its time to add the t-3. start low and add when neccesary. if you want to do this and have any questions feel free to ask

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    On an Island
    Quote Originally Posted by pietro75;4055***
    are you taking t-3 with your hgh? people have different views on this and i have seen mixed studies but personally i consider t-3 a must with hgh. the longer your on it the more your thyroid will reduce production. you need to supplement t-3 to get your levles back to normal so you can get max. results out of your hgh. your body temp should slightly decrease after a few weeks of hgh use and when that happens and your around the 97-98 mark instead of 98.6 its time to add the t-3. start low and add when neccesary. if you want to do this and have any questions feel free to ask

    I stay away from t-3 only because i don't want to fk up my thyroid. have me curious and if you can PM me the info I would appreciate it. I am also on clen now so my body temp is a little high to be able to accurately check what you are saying. Thanks Pietro! ( or should I say..."muchas gracias" !)

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