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Thread: ?hgh?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    My friend is new to HGH.

    10% BF

    His cycle: 6 Weeks @ 6 IU ED/ one shot in morning

    He wants to no:
    1) What kind of Diet? 35% carbs 45% protein, 20% fat? Please List one.
    2) Stay with the 1 muscle group every 5 days?
    3) Lots of Cardio?

    Thanks for answering
    Last edited by Mr.Clean69; 06-28-2008 at 03:06 PM.

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    6 weeks of HGH would be a waste of money in my opinion.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Anything about the other questions?

  4. #4
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    First of all, you need to visit the educational forum and learn as much as you can about HGH. Then, you need to visit the diet forum and read the stickies there and learn about dieting. Then, you need to visit the workout forum and read the stickies there about different training programs etc.

    Once you've done that you'll probably have no questions left, but if you do then you may conitinue this thread.

    Hope I'm not coming across as an ass, but the questions you are asking have been answered over and over again.


  5. #5
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    United States
    exactly as gear said you need to read all the stickies in the educational forum and that will help answer alot of your questions. hgh needs to be run for at least 4 month(perferably longer) to maximize results. 6 weeks is to short and almost useless. your best bet is to start off at 3ius a day and increase that by 1iu every 10th day until you have reached 6ius or the sides get to bad to handle. at your age hgh is almost pointless unless your going to use a high dose for an extended period of time so you may want to consider spending the money on some test or deca to get your bw up then cosider using hgh down the road. at 5'10'' 167lbs, 10% bf your really lean so your best bet is to spend that money on a nice d-bol, test and deca bulker to get you up to 200lbs

  6. #6
    It seems crazy to run 6 I.U.'s at doctor told me your liver can only take 2-2.5 I.U.'s in a single dose!!! So, 6 I.U.'s is wasting the other 4 units...tell your friend to break it into 3 different shots throughout the day and don't take it anywhere near bed time: hince growth hormone is released mostly when we sleep! And another thing, i agree with the above post, 6 weeks of GH IS A WASTE OF TIME!!! Run some Test/Deca, it will greatly benefit you more....GH should be run 8 months on, 2-3 months off!! And i like either 5 days on, 2 off.....OR 6 days on, 2 off!!

    Hope this helps some!! Educate your friend before he f*cks himself up!!!!!!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    45+45+20=110. so that diet is not possible

  8. #8
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    United States
    Quote Originally Posted by Cypionate6868 View Post
    It seems crazy to run 6 I.U.'s at doctor told me your liver can only take 2-2.5 I.U.'s in a single dose!!! So, 6 I.U.'s is wasting the other 4 units...tell your friend to break it into 3 different shots throughout the day and don't take it anywhere near bed time: hince growth hormone is released mostly when we sleep! And another thing, i agree with the above post, 6 weeks of GH IS A WASTE OF TIME!!! Run some Test/Deca, it will greatly benefit you more....GH should be run 8 months on, 2-3 months off!! And i like either 5 days on, 2 off.....OR 6 days on, 2 off!!

    Hope this helps some!! Educate your friend before he f*cks himself up!!!!!!!
    what? there are many people shooting 6ius at a time. personally i would split his dose up into two 3iu injections but i know many people who shoot 5ius twice a day.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by 200byjune View Post
    45+45+20=110. so that diet is not possible
    lol nice!

  10. #10

    I'm sure you do know several people who shoot more than the max recommended dosage of 2.5 I.U.'s,
    BUT, trust me bro, i'm a resident surgeon In Cal, your liver can only substain 2.5 units at i'm sure you know the by-product is IGF-1 and the temporary diabetic state that your body goes into after a shot!!! So tell your friend he will have much, much better gains from from splitting 10 units up into 5 shots (2 I.U.s per shot) throughout the day...this will keep the blood levels in check to making more hyperplasia occur at muscle cells (and any cell for that matter, (i.e.) organs)!!!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Cypionate6868 View Post

    I'm sure you do know several people who shoot more than the max recommended dosage of 2.5 I.U.'s,
    BUT, trust me bro, i'm a resident surgeon In Cal, your liver can only substain 2.5 units at i'm sure you know the by-product is IGF-1 and the temporary diabetic state that your body goes into after a shot!!! So tell your friend he will have much, much better gains from from splitting 10 units up into 5 shots (2 I.U.s per shot) throughout the day...this will keep the blood levels in check to making more hyperplasia occur at muscle cells (and any cell for that matter, (i.e.) organs)!!!
    I agree with your thought here but wow... 5 shots per day would be tricky in terms of carb timing. I like to go just a bit more at 3 iu's per shot.

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