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Thread: first GH cycle... need some advise plz

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    edmonton AB, canada

    first GH cycle... need some advise plz

    hey guys, i just ordered my first cycle of Gh, i been using AS for about 6years now, i'm 24 5'10" 219lbs at about 6 or 7%bf. rite now i'm stacking 300mgs of test cyp, 200 to 225mg of fina & 300mg of test suspention/ week. with in the next couple of weeks i'll be cutting out the tren and cypionate (whitch i been on for 13weeks) and adding 500mg of EQ. also i'll be taking 2ius of gh either daily or 6 days a week (you advise). i only have 1 kit (100ius)
    what do you think is the best way to stack GH and is 1 kit worth the $ spent (for results)

    some ppl say you dont gain much off that amount but it certainly is better than nothing so i dont think its useless...

  2. #2
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    United States
    save your kit until you get more because 100ius wont do a thing for you.
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    edmonton AB, canada
    thats what i've been hearing... but what kind of results would i get off 1 kit? 2iu for 50days?

  4. #4
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  5. #5
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    isn't 5-6 iu's/ed a fairly moderate dose? 2 just seems like a waste

  6. #6
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  7. #7
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    United States
    2ius for 50 days will yield absolutly no results. try to get more and go from there because 1 kit just wont give you results bro. if you want to build muscle you'll need 6+ius a day but if your over 50 years old and just want a little fat loss and a feeling of well being then 2iu for 6+ months will do
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    edmonton AB, canada
    ok ic what you guys are saying.. my bad for not explaining what kind of results i'm looking for. im not looking to gain mass amounts of muscle with gh with it being my first time using it. i'm using allot of androgens and test and i like the progress of my muscle gains.
    i want to use it to get harder, stregth and mainly recovery. i want to be able to handle more amounts of volume in the gym without overtraining as fast

    so i wont get 1 kit, i'll wait a couple weeks and get 1more, so double the dose @ 4ius for 50 days?

    and what will my offcycle be like after gh? is there a crash? i cycle 6months on 6 months off

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    edmonton AB, canada
    plz & thanks

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by troublesome View Post
    hey guys, i just ordered my first cycle of Gh, i been using AS for about 6years now, i'm 24 5'10" 219lbs at about 6 or 7%bf. rite now i'm stacking 300mgs of test cyp, 200 to 225mg of fina & 300mg of test suspention/ week. with in the next couple of weeks i'll be cutting out the tren and cypionate (whitch i been on for 13weeks) and adding 500mg of EQ. also i'll be taking 2ius of gh either daily or 6 days a week (you advise). i only have 1 kit (100ius)
    what do you think is the best way to stack GH and is 1 kit worth the $ spent (for results)

    some ppl say you dont gain much off that amount but it certainly is better than nothing so i dont think its useless...
    YOU need more than 1kit. HGH results come from long term use,,,4 months MIN

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    edmonton AB, canada
    ok enough said, i wont take my chances in wasting it. i'll have to do it on my next cycle if thats the case, i already been on this cycle for 4 months.. so HOW many kits DO i need then?? 4 to 6ius for 4 to 5months. i'm lookin at 4 to 5 kits?????? am i right?? wow thats allota doe$!!!!!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    I think it depends on what you want out of your GH. I too have 100IU and I am taking them at low dosage ( only 2 a day, 5 days on 1 day off ). I am not looking to get huge off of it but prepare myself for a future stacking cycle.

    When I searched GH on here, I found an interesting article by a 50yr old guy ( I forget his name ). He ran at a low dosage, went for surgery and still had incredible results. He later ran another stacking cycle, and get much better results compared to previous cycles.

    Many people on here will tell you to run a higher dosage of Gh but like I said it depends on what you want to use it for.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    edmonton AB, canada
    that was origonaly my plan is to do 2 iu for 50days but everyone i talk to is telling me not to waste it, i'm not looking to get huge off of it, there are many other great benifits to using gh. i like to try everything at a low dose first anyway.. but now im thinking of getting 2 more kits (so 300iu total) and going alittle higher maybe run 3 ius, so thats 100 days 6on 1 off so should work out to 4 months...

    plz feel free to coment.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doub1e_J View Post
    I think it depends on what you want out of your GH. I too have 100IU and I am taking them at low dosage ( only 2 a day, 5 days on 1 day off ). I am not looking to get huge off of it but prepare myself for a future stacking cycle.

    When I searched GH on here, I found an interesting article by a 50yr old guy ( I forget his name ). He ran at a low dosage, went for surgery and still had incredible results. He later ran another stacking cycle, and get much better results compared to previous cycles.

    Many people on here will tell you to run a higher dosage of Gh but like I said it depends on what you want to use it for.
    older people need less gh for the same results, i still think 2-4 is a waste.

    and yes, its a lot of money, thats why most people don't bother with it unless your rich or very serious about it

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by T_Own View Post
    older people need less gh for the same results, i still think 2-4 is a waste.

    and yes, its a lot of money, thats why most people don't bother with it unless your rich or very serious about it

    Totally disagree! I would NOT go over 4Ius. 2 or 3iu's will yield great results. My first time using GH, I blew out my shoulder and could NOT lift. I already started taking GH and I lost almost 17 pounds and got ripped doing absolutely nothing! I felt amazing! I started with 2iu's and finished up with 3/4iu's. To me it has a lot to do with what GH your using. 2nd time around I used Jintropin (first cycle serostim) and knowing what I know now, I wouldn't of wasted my money on Jins....

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by T_Own View Post
    older people need less gh for the same results, i still think 2-4 is a waste.

    and yes, its a lot of money, thats why most people don't bother with it unless your rich or very serious about it
    are you serious? 2-4ius are a waste!! 2-4ius isn the dosage used for fat burning or for people over 40-45. that does works for many, many people
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
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  17. #17
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    i guess i was wrong =x i thought 2-4 was a good dose for older people, but 5-6+ was effective for younger people 20's-40 or so?

  18. #18
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    it all depends on your age and the results your looking for. at my age 2-3ius will work for fat burning but i'll need 6-10ius to build muscles. people above the 40-45 mark can get away with much less because there body is already producing much less hgh
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  19. #19
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    ok well thats what i was stuck on. i was assuming muscle building, but i guess he stated he wasn't looking to get huge from it

  20. #20
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    edmonton AB, canada
    I've heard of some people getting taller but i've never heard anyone on this site say anything about that. even while researching hgh i never read about anybody using gh and still getting taller, although some get bone "enlargment", i know i buddy of mine whos thumbs look swollen.. bigger than 2 fingers.. i know he wasnt like that before his years of using hgh,, its very noticable when you look at his hands, all the other fingers look normal

    but is this true, can you get a little taller on a cycle of gh at my age? i'm 24, 5 10". i wouldnt mind being 5' 10" &1/2 or 5' 11"

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by troublesome View Post
    I've heard of some people getting taller but i've never heard anyone on this site say anything about that. even while researching hgh i never read about anybody using gh and still getting taller, although some get bone "enlargment", i know i buddy of mine whos thumbs look swollen.. bigger than 2 fingers.. i know he wasnt like that before his years of using hgh,, its very noticable when you look at his hands, all the other fingers look normal

    but is this true, can you get a little taller on a cycle of gh at my age? i'm 24, 5 10". i wouldnt mind being 5' 10" &1/2 or 5' 11"
    Very doubtful unless your still growing. Once your growth plates close, you cannot get taller.

  22. #22
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    United States
    Quote Originally Posted by troublesome View Post
    I've heard of some people getting taller but i've never heard anyone on this site say anything about that. even while researching hgh i never read about anybody using gh and still getting taller, although some get bone "enlargment", i know i buddy of mine whos thumbs look swollen.. bigger than 2 fingers.. i know he wasnt like that before his years of using hgh,, its very noticable when you look at his hands, all the other fingers look normal

    but is this true, can you get a little taller on a cycle of gh at my age? i'm 24, 5 10". i wouldnt mind being 5' 10" &1/2 or 5' 11"
    the only way that hgh can even remotely work in this manner is if its administered at the begining stages of puberty and even then it dosnt work for everyone
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  23. #23
    i have hamstring problem. Thing has been around for past year and half. began rehabbing about 2 months ago. stretching, jogging, slight sprints, cycling. Just started slight resistance training 2 weeks ago. Baseball season is to start and need my speed back. i have been consistently working out for about 6 years, but never dabbled into the AS or any performance enhancer. Can someone recommend something for me. Does hgh live up to its hype. will it help, how much for how long? thank you for any help
    Last edited by Hulk0330; 07-15-2008 at 08:10 PM.

  24. #24
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    Feb 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by troublesome View Post
    that was origonaly my plan is to do 2 iu for 50days but everyone i talk to is telling me not to waste it, i'm not looking to get huge off of it, there are many other great benifits to using gh. i like to try everything at a low dose first anyway.. but now im thinking of getting 2 more kits (so 300iu total) and going alittle higher maybe run 3 ius, so thats 100 days 6on 1 off so should work out to 4 months...

    plz feel free to coment.
    Well, you will NOT get HUGE from GH! The main reason we are telling you 50 days is a waste is because you will not start noticing results until 3 months in. You shouldn't' be thinking about getting more kits, YOU HAVE TO GET MORE KITS! End of discussion. And those other "great benefits" your talking about again, won't kick in for 3 months. Trust me, plan on doing it for 6 months, or don't do it.

  25. #25
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    Mar 2007

    genotroping or J

    Just got a scripit for genotropin, is it anygood

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