This will be my 1st experience with HGH and 3rd with AAS. Stats are 28 y.o., 6'0" tall, 210 lbs, ~12% BF. Training 5 days / week. Looking at running:

HGH (pharm grade Genotropin pen) @ 3IU ED (5 on / 2 off) for 2 months, then add the below AAS cycle and continue with the HGH (have ~6 mos worth). I'm not looking to get HUGE off the GH, just to get leaner and harder. Main question is what to expect out of the pharm grade GH @ 3IU a day.

3IU Genotropin ED (5 on / 2 off)
50 mg ED Prop - Wks 1-4 and Wks 13-14
400 mg/wk Test E - Wks 1-12
50 mg Anavar ED - Wk 6
50mg Anavar EOD - Wks 7-12

PCT (upon end of AAS):
Armidex while on - .5 mg/day as needed
Nolva, Clomid and HCG