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  1. #1
    dashriprock68 is offline New Member
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    May 2008

    Whats my dosage? Omnitrope

    Doctor has prescribed Omnitrope and the following amount, bottle contains (5.8 mg) / 17.4 units.

    He says mix with 1.14 dilutent and the final concetration is 1.5 ius/0.1 ml.

    He says to inject 6 units on the syringe. does this mean I am getting just under 1 iu of medicine a day?

  2. #2
    FrankieBotz's Avatar
    FrankieBotz is offline New Member
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    Jun 2008
    You should mix with 1.8 units of water to get the 17IUs. Only factor is that with Omnitrope you get little supply of water (I think 1.4 units for each vial of HGH). I happen to have extra water from my HCG so use that to compensate the missing units of water. How many vials you got of each? Also 6 units in very little. A Doctor will never suggest more than that (at least I never heard of that). So 6 units is actually under 1IU (10 units on an insulin syringe is 1IU and 20 units is 2IU, etc). This is very low dosage and won't do much.

  3. #3
    sobenick is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Miami Beach
    I take Omnitrope and I mix the bottle that has 17.4 with 1.7CC of Bacteriostatic Water. That way, .10 CC = 1IU. Makes it real easy for me to remembere. I take 1.5IU a day ED and have been for over 3 years now. Works well for me -- I dont use it for bodybuilding so much as to maintain a respectiable muscle tone and to keep my bodyfat respectable. I also take .7CC of TGest Cyponate each week to keep my Test level at about 800. I'm 41 years old.

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