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Thread: HGH and T4 and lethargy

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    North West UK

    HGH and T4 and lethargy

    Im currently taking HGH. Been taking it for 3 and a half months, first two months i was taking 2iu for the past 1 and half months upped it to 5iu mon to wed. Im 6ft tall, and weighing 105kg before i started GH i was 109kg.

    For the first 2 months whilst on 2iu i was taking t4 100mcgs. But i stopped the dosage as i felt i was getting muscle wastage from it. Since then to present day i feel im getting better gains and no muscle wastage, but i do feel lethargic and tired alot.

    I do play sport and im in the gym or training almost everynight of the week also working could it be this or would you say its a thyroid problem through not taking the T4?

    My results from growth upto now having been nothing short of fantastic ive shed around half a stone of fat and ive got abs and obliques poking through i feel awesome lighter, fitter, and stronger. Ive started to do alot of my own body weight lifting eg. pull ups, dips, etc etc things i couldnt do before i started the growth.

    Ive never been fat just carrying some excess on the mid section. But im a massive fan of GH now the results after the second month are thick and fast. Just this lethargic state i get now and again is playing on my mind. Dont get me wrong the sport i play has been rewarded through HGH i have more stamina im fitter and all around stronger.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    North West UK
    Bump bump bump!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    North West UK
    **** it guys! ill jus lethargyly go into a coma! BUMP BUMP!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. #4
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Jul 2003
    It could be a number of things, but it's difficult to pin-point the excat problem.


  5. #5
    Join Date
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    North West UK
    What could this number of things be Gear? Its really starting to affect me these past couple weeks plus its affecting my sport. Im going to start running the t4 again see if it makes me feel any different. 100mcgs, with the t4 do you take it ED or just days you take your HGH? say mon to fri. I sometimes dont have time to inject my GH in the mornings so i take it dinner timeish and at say 5pm. Could this be the problem. Any help will be appreciated. Im worrying starting to think its my thyroid!

  6. #6

    whats the best way to take hgh

    Hello. I was wondering if maybe you guys could help me out. I just bought HGH and i was wondering how to take it. I am 21 yrs old, 5'5 and i weigh about 190 lbs. ive been told to take it several ways and i just want to know the best way to take it. I was also wondering since im 21 if i will get side effects in the long run. im planning on doing only 2 cycles! I am not trying to be a body builder. I just want to have a good looking body! Also, when is the best time to take it? I have been told to take it 5 x's a week at night time .40 cc. Then my other buddy told me to take it 2 x's every other day .30 cc. which is the best way? please help me out. thank you!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    North West UK
    talk about hijackin my thread! get your own thread pal.

  8. #8
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  9. #9
    Join Date
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    North West UK
    bump bump bump bump bump

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    What type of hgh ? Is it Chinese generic or pharm grade ? Im currently on wk 6 of 3.3iu day 5/2 off of blue top generics and I have crushing lethargy. I take it all at once in the morning but by 8pm that night I feel really tired and can fall asleep within seconds of closing my eyes. I asked this on another thread but didnt get a response so I thought I would chime in. Im not taking anything else except clen 2wk/2 off. Im having a hard time working out because I have zero energy and I know its because of the hgh. When my 2nd off day rolls around I actually start to feel a little bit more normal and then it starts all over again.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by iagainsti View Post
    What type of hgh ? Is it Chinese generic or pharm grade ? Im currently on wk 6 of 3.3iu day 5/2 off of blue top generics and I have crushing lethargy. I take it all at once in the morning but by 8pm that night I feel really tired and can fall asleep within seconds of closing my eyes. I asked this on another thread but didnt get a response so I thought I would chime in. Im not taking anything else except clen 2wk/2 off. Im having a hard time working out because I have zero energy and I know its because of the hgh. When my 2nd off day rolls around I actually start to feel a little bit more normal and then it starts all over again.
    try running some test in your cycle of hgh. should help combat the lethargic feeling..

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    North West UK
    I get tested for test! Im gonna start running my t4 again see if it picks up! I could do a couple shots of test susp see if that boosts me. iagainsti im currently taking jin yellow tops! Great results jus this lethargic states really begining to piss me off!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by STED View Post
    I get tested for test! Im gonna start running my t4 again see if it picks up! I could do a couple shots of test susp see if that boosts me. iagainsti im currently taking jin yellow tops! Great results jus this lethargic states really begining to piss me off!
    Well Im glad your getting results. Im not sure what my bluetops are doing for me except making me tired. I realize its been only about 6 wks but no numbness or joint aches, just damn sleepy.

  14. #14
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    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by iagainsti View Post
    Well Im glad your getting results. Im not sure what my bluetops are doing for me except making me tired. I realize its been only about 6 wks but no numbness or joint aches, just damn sleepy.
    IMO and im no expert, high quantities of HGH makes you tired. Try cutting back and I will bet you won't be so tired.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    High dosages can also KILL your joints. It took about 8 weeks for me, but after 8 weeks of 10iu/day 5on 2 off, I felt like an 80 year old man, every joint in my body hurt, I couldn't work out or anything...I got some advice on here to lower the dosage back down and then ramp it back up, worked wonders for lowering the sides.

  16. #16
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    United States
    Quote Originally Posted by STED View Post
    bump bump bump bump bump
    this isn't instant messenger.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    not many things I read on here make me laugh out loud, but that just did

  18. #18
    you just happen to have really good hgh.

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