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  1. #1
    megatricker is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Insulin only cycle for track and field.

    Hello everybody,

    I am planning to do a 4 week insulin cycle; I know this is not the best substance for pure muscle or strength gains however I am mostly interested in the recovery effect.

    For this purpose (and since I lack any experience with this compound) I plan to only take 3 IU post training. Now, will this be helpful for my goals considering that my weight is around 230 pounds, or is this dosage two low.

    Another important thing to consider, is that I practice two times a day most of the week.

    Example schedule:

    1st training 10.30 pm till 12.30 pm
    3IU Humalog injection at 12.35 accompanied with a dextrose shake (80g) and 20g creatine
    12.50 whey shake 70 g and another 30 g dextrose
    13.50 serious meal low on fats.
    15.50 lunch (high on protein and carbs)
    17.30 training till 20.00 pm

    Now, the reason I would take so much carbs (almost 30 g per IU) is that I expect myself to be pretty depleted after two hours of hard cardio. Would taking another shake in the middle of 1st training with like 40g dextrose be helpful?

    Is this a safe protocol? My concerns appear regarding the second training , since it is also very tiring and I fear to run low on carbs. I now Humalog should be out of the system by then, but still...

  2. #2
    megatricker is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    bump please really important for me.

  3. #3
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Jul 2003
    Insulin has the potential for strength and muscle gains but the process is usually fairly lengthy. I guess each to their own so give it a go and you be the judge.

    3IU is more than likely not to do much but if you have never used insulin then I suggest you start on about 3 - 4IU PWO and work your way up slowly. You can increase the dose by 1IU every workout till you get to about 10IU, and once on 10IU there is no need to take anymore. (Note: only increase the dose if you felt OK on the previous dose).

    The diet set up looks good, and as for the amount of carbohydrates to consume, I would just go by how you feel. Note that any excess carbs will be stored as fat so be carefull.

    Good luck.


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