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Thread: HGH left out overnight

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    San Juan, Puerto Rico

    Exclamation HGH left out overnight

    What's up all I am back and just started a HGH CLEN cycle. I have been taking 30 units a day for a week and just bumped up to 40 units twice a day. Split in 2 injections per day morning and night. I am also doing clen 2 weeks on two weeks off. I am currently 5'10" 224lbs and a 30% bf down from 33% last month. I have a bottle of HGH reconstituted with 900 iu biostatic water. I have used about 1 weeks worth 270 units and last night I left my bottle out of the fridge overnight for about 9 hours... Did I ruin the rest of my bottle???? I put it back in the fridge and it never got hot (air conditioner on all night)... WHAT TO DO!!!

    My trainer said just use it if it is bad nothing will happen good or bad. But do I want to waste 15 or so days taking an inactive drug or should I go to my next bottle. Lesson learned if is bad I would be out about 100 bucks.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    No price talk but I think it should be ok if it wasnt too warm where it was kept, how long was it out?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    what kind of gh are you runing that has 900 iu in one bottle??..and if you can it that cheap it has to be fake.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by metzger66 View Post
    What's up all I am back and just started a HGH CLEN cycle. I have been taking 30 units a day for a week and just bumped up to 40 units twice a day. Split in 2 injections per day morning and night. I am also doing clen 2 weeks on two weeks off. I am currently 5'10" 224lbs and a 30% bf down from 33% last month. I have a bottle of HGH reconstituted with 900 iu biostatic water. I have used about 1 weeks worth 270 units and last night I left my bottle out of the fridge overnight for about 9 hours... Did I ruin the rest of my bottle???? I put it back in the fridge and it never got hot (air conditioner on all night)... WHAT TO DO!!!

    My trainer said just use it if it is bad nothing will happen good or bad. But do I want to waste 15 or so days taking an inactive drug or should I go to my next bottle. Lesson learned if is bad I would be out about 100 bucks.

    If it was in BAC water and dint get hot for only 9 hours, I would bet your fine.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by widowmaker2 View Post
    what kind of gh are you runing that has 900 iu in one bottle??..and if you can it that cheap it has to be fake.
    Ok to answer everyones question so far.

    The bottle was left out for about 9-10 hours in a 73 degree room.

    I got if from my trainer. Who is a former Pro. I can't imagine he would give me fake shit he's been working with me for a couple months.

    I originally reconstituted the HGH with 900iu or 9cc's at 40iu a day that's like 25 days.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by metzger66 View Post
    Ok to answer everyones question so far.

    The bottle was left out for about 9-10 hours in a 73 degree room.

    I got if from my trainer. Who is a former Pro. I can't imagine he would give me fake shit he's been working with me for a couple months.

    I originally reconstituted the HGH with 900iu or 9cc's at 40iu a day that's like 25 days.
    900iu's isn't necessarily 9cc's. There is not direct "this is this much" with IU's (insulin units). It depends on how you mix it. If you are actually using 40iu a day that is a very high dose. General consensus uses up to 10iu's a day for the average user.

    And your trainer who was a pro wouldn't lie to make money? Nothing against your trainer, but Jay Culter also claims to only use Muscle Tech.

    900iu's would cost around 3 times as much as you paid for legit stuff.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    40iu per day????

  8. #8
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    You would have some insane side effects at that dosage. You need to re do your math.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

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  9. #9
    FireGuy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by binder View Post
    900iu's isn't necessarily 9cc's. There is not direct "this is this much" with IU's (insulin units). It depends on how you mix it. If you are actually using 40iu a day that is a very high dose. General consensus uses up to 10iu's a day for the average user.

    And your trainer who was a pro wouldn't lie to make money? Nothing against your trainer, but Jay Culter also claims to only use Muscle Tech.

    900iu's would cost around 3 times as much as you paid for legit stuff.
    He is saying he is taking 40IU of GH a day not slin. I too am thinking something is amiss here. A 900IU bottle???? That's not even a vial that's a milk jug.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy1 View Post
    He is saying he is taking 40IU of GH a day not slin. I too am thinking something is amiss here. A 900IU bottle???? That's not even a vial that's a milk jug.
    ya, 40iu's of hGH would be a very high dosage. That's what i'm talking about.

    and 900iu wouldn't have to be a large volume if you have it mixed highly concentrated.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by binder View Post
    ya, 40iu's of hGH would be a very high dosage. That's what i'm talking about.

    and 900iu wouldn't have to be a large volume if you have it mixed highly concentrated.
    Oops, misread your post, my bad. As far as the 900IU, HCG gets 10,000 IU out of a vial but I have never seen or heard of HGH being manufactured at anywhere near that concentration.

    Also, If you got it from a "Pro" why not ask him if he thinks it's still good?

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    You would have some insane side effects at that dosage. You need to re do your math.
    Ok i am using insulin pins the markings are 0 to 100 and it also says under the 100, 1 cc. i fillec the bottle with 9 pins worth of 30ml bottle of biostatic water. The bottle is a normal size like 2inch tall bottle like how most testosterones come in.

    so in this tiny insulin pin i take 20u twice a day.

    since i am training in puerto rico there is a slight language barrier between my trainer and me. as in my spanish sucks...

  13. #13
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    The reason for this confusion is simple and something I have been pointing out to many that unintentionally cause this confusion.

    People are improperly interchanging terminology of insulin syringe units which depict fluid volume (u), and International Units that depict MASS (IU).

    If you start using IUs to define both you will have the issue that has occured in this thread.

    Again, an IU is a unit of weight of a substance in pharmacology that achieves a certain degree of biological activity.
    1mg of hGH is equal to 3 IU, or .333mg per 1 IU.

    **Different pharmacological substances have different IU values depending on their established levels of biological activity. With HCG there are 1500iu per 1mg.

    A Unit (u) on an insulin syringe is 1/100 of a CC (ml), thus we can now calculate properly how many IUs (MASS) of hGH are being reconstituted with a certain volume of solution (CCs or units).

    Once you determined how much mass is reconstituted in a certain volume, you can then refer to the amount you take in units (U).

    For example:

    If I reconned 15iu (5mg) of hGH with 2.5cc(ml) [which is 250 units (u)] of BW,
    I would have a solution consistion of 6iu/ml or 2 mg/ml, which is also the same as 2mg/100 units.

    So I can clearly say that if I take 50 u of such a solution this is the same as saying I took .5cc(ml) which would mean I received a dose of 3iu of hGH.

    Thus in this circumstance 50u on a slin pin is 3iu of hGH taken.

    Hope this helped anyone that is confused without causing more confusion. Math and proper terminology NEED to be understood here otherwise you have no clue what the hell you are calculating.

    international units (pharmacology)

    Various units of biological potency used in pharmacology. Symbol, IU. For example, a dose of 200 IU of an antibiotic has a certain amount of bacteria-fighting ability, but it might have a mass of 20 milligrams from one manufacturer and 40 from another. The size of the unit varies with the substance and is presently set by the Expert Committee on Biological Standardization of the World Health Organization (WHO).

    An International Unit is standardized by defining a test method and providing a reference standard, an actual preparation of the substance having a known activity. Suppose, for example, one wants to determine how many IUs are in a given amount of a preparation of an antibiotic, and that WHO says one gram of the reference standard for that antibiotic has an activity of 500 IU. The amount of the preparation being tested that inhibits the growth of bacteria in the test to the same extent as one gram of the reference standard will contain 500 IU of the antibiotic. The assay is biological, not chemical.

    In the United States, the reference standards are produced and released under the authority of the United States Pharmacopeia Convention. USP Units and the International Units of potency are usually identical.

    Measuring the size of a dose in terms of its biological effect rather than as a specific weight of pure substance solved a number of problems: sometimes it wasn't known exactly which chemical had the effect; sometimes the preparation (for example, material produced by fermentation) contained a number of chemicals each of which produced the effect but in varying degrees; sometimes the amount was so small it could not be assayed quantitatively by the methods of the day.

    In the 1950s quantitative analysis of pharmacologicals became much more precise and sensitive. With new methods it was possible to detect and determine the actual mass of chemicals in very small concentrations. Once the substance responsible for an effect has been isolated, identified, and prepared in a form that allows it to be completely characterized by chemical and physical properties, the biological assay is no longer needed and the International Unit for that substance is generally discontinued. For a decade or more stating the actual weight has been preferred to using IU; for example, they are no longer used in the U.S. Pharmacopeia. Some examples of old international units and their modern equivalents are:

    One IU of vitamin A = 0.3 micrograms of retinol or 0.6 micrograms of beta-carotene. Quantities of vitamin A are also measured in “retinol equivalents.” One retinol equivalent = 3.33 IU of retinol, or 10 IU of beta-carotene.

    One IU of vitamin E = 0.91 milligrams of synthetic dl-alpha-tocopherol, or about 0.67 milligrams of d-alpha-tocopherol.

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