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Thread: Help guys. New Somatropin user. Please read my routine and make comments on my usage

  1. #1

    Question Help guys. New Somatropin user. Please read my routine and make comments on my usage

    I'm new to this guys so please bear with me. Never wanted to go overboard with the usage, just wanted to reap some of the long term benefits of IGF. I look 10 years younger than my age so i'm told so i'd like to continue that. I'm 37 and in great shape on a committed workout and started IGH on september 1st. Long time friend of mine who has my best interests in mind does it just like me simply for some life enhancement (the lower body fat, feeling great, etc.). We do a chinese type with a pink cap. (Not sure if I can mention the brand of somatropin it is on this). I do monday-friday and take off sat and sun as he advised me this was sufficient for what I wanted to accomplish. I mix the water at the 100 mark into the vial, mix it by turning the vial for a minute and I then inject exactly at the 20 mark per day in the morning, so this lasts 5 days exactly and then start a new vial on monday. Lately i do the 10 mark in the am and the other 10 in the pm. It's been almost 2 months and i've noticed a body fat decrease already and I feel good. PLEASE TELL ME GUYS. Anything i'm doing wrong? Anything right? Anything should be different? Too much, too little, right time, wrong time, etc, etc? I appreciate ANY input. Hopefully Mr Gear could provide some as i've read a lot of his posts. I am like a sponge right now looking to educate myself and soak up as much info as I can. Thank you.
    Last edited by violator15; 10-20-2008 at 10:25 PM.

  2. #2
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    20mcg is usually considered a low dose so I am surprised that you're benefiting from that much. Most will need to take a minimum of 40mcg daily for noticable gains. AM and PWO shots are fine.

    IGF isn't the your best option if you're after well being benefits however it does deliver fat loss at times.


  3. #3
    I would have never taken this in my 20's that's for sure. And meanwhile, I thought I might be taking too much. Maybe i'll increase to the 30 mark at some point. I've done a lot of reasearch prior and aside from the carpal in some and if not abused I didn't read of any other side effects. Is this true? It seemed to me like something you could do for life more or less, no? I guess the other question is why is it NOT the best option for the well being benefits? What did I get myself into? Thanks Gear for the response.

  4. #4
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    Sep 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by violator15 View Post
    I would have never taken this in my 20's that's for sure. And meanwhile, I thought I might be taking too much. Maybe i'll increase to the 30 mark at some point. I've done a lot of reasearch prior and aside from the carpal in some and if not abused I didn't read of any other side effects. Is this true? It seemed to me like something you could do for life more or less, no? I guess the other question is why is it NOT the best option for the well being benefits? What did I get myself into? Thanks Gear for the response.
    Are you taking IGF or HGH? I think you mean HGH.

  5. #5
    Yeah, HGH-sorry. It says Somatropin on the vial.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by violator15 View Post
    I would have never taken this in my 20's that's for sure. And meanwhile, I thought I might be taking too much. Maybe i'll increase to the 30 mark at some point. I've done a lot of reasearch prior and aside from the carpal in some and if not abused I didn't read of any other side effects. Is this true? It seemed to me like something you could do for life more or less, no? I guess the other question is why is it NOT the best option for the well being benefits? What did I get myself into? Thanks Gear for the response.
    GH sounds like the perfect choice for your needs. Typically 2iu's is good for the well being feeling, 2iu-4iu for fat loss, 5iu-up for mass gains. It is a long term commitment and can be run as long as your funds/sourcing lasts.

    I am 44, 5-7, 168, 10% bf and running 4iu/ED. I am about 4 months into my first run and love this stuff. I plan to continue as long as I possibly can. Just started my wife on it as well. Too early for her to notice anything yet.

  7. #7
    Cool, thanks for the reply. Like I stated earlier my friend who got me started said that it would be enough for just the benefit. He said just start with that and see. It's only been 1 month and 20 days and i've already seen some results all over. Not size so much mind you but great definition all over. I wouldn't mind a little more size mind you, but that would meen a bigger dosage and as a consequence a bigger hit on the wallet. I may graduate to the 25-30 mark per day at some point, but not quite yet. How do you feel about 5 days per week though? This is the only thing I would ever take though and I have no intentions on this being a gateway to other things. I would worry about my body years down the line ya know? Great idea for your wife by the way. She might want you to administer for her though.

  8. #8
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    Portland, OR
    Quote Originally Posted by violator15 View Post
    Cool, thanks for the reply. Like I stated earlier my friend who got me started said that it would be enough for just the benefit. He said just start with that and see. It's only been 1 month and 20 days and i've already seen some results all over. Not size so much mind you but great definition all over. I wouldn't mind a little more size mind you, but that would meen a bigger dosage and as a consequence a bigger hit on the wallet. I may graduate to the 25-30 mark per day at some point, but not quite yet. How do you feel about 5 days per week though? This is the only thing I would ever take though and I have no intentions on this being a gateway to other things. I would worry about my body years down the line ya know? Great idea for your wife by the way. She might want you to administer for her though.
    Your 5 on 2 off routine is very common. Seems to work very well. Right now I am fortunate to have a good supply and the funds to replenish so we are both running it every day. I have dropped 4% bf and hope to drop 2-3 more. I have not lost any weight which is great. If your current dose is working for you then keep running it. No need to bump up unless your goals change. Like you I am currently only running GH and nothing else. I do plan to add a little Test-E in at some point down the road. Need to get my blood work done first. You are on a very safe and conservative dose and should have no trouble running that as long as you like. My hope is to be able to run it the rest of my life.

    Regarding my wife, I give her the shot every morning. Part of our daily routine. She has no problem getting shots but very nervous about giving them.

  9. #9
    Good man Silver Bolt. Maybe just for the hell of it just to mix it up a little without breaking the bank too much every lets say, month or so do a second vial for the week. So then once a month i'll do the 40 mark. (Sorry, I don't understand the measurement scales, I just know the line I fill up to). So maybe 20 in the a.m. and 20 in the p.m. once per month. How's that sound? But, I agree with what you said also. I see this as becoming a life commitment as well as a lifestyle choice. Why not? I haven't read anythng adverse except for those who abuse it. It's like anything else in life. My friend actually talked me into doing the minimum anyway, and he's the one who supplies me with it. That says something right there. He even told me to take those Hydroxycuts I have in my gym bag and throw them away. He was RIGHT! The HGH takes care of all that. To be honest, I get away with murder nutritionally, too. I no longer worry about eating carbs in the p.m. I eat good anyway, but I can eat like a human now and still indulge as well. Too good to be true, eh?

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