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  1. #1
    luckyadt is offline New Member
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    Oct 2008

    Post Accident/Rehab and HGH Question

    Hello all.
    My name is David, I am 31, 6ft, 220, 25%Bfp.

    I was involved in an auto accident about 2 years ago and have had 3 surgery's in the past 18 months (ACL, Neck Fusion, Low Back Disk Replaced,).
    I have FINALLY reached a point where I can do some restricted strength training.
    Because of the Low back injury (and connected nerve injury in the right leg, and use of a cane), Its difficult to do cardio and I have to stick to mostly upper body workouts.

    I started a modest test cyp/eq stack 5 weeks ago to get a jump start on training, and really want to know if HGH would help, and if so which do I use. and how much.

    I have really noticed a boost in my energy since getting back into the gym (5 weeks), But would love more.

    Thanks in advance for your advice.

  2. #2
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Sorry to hear about your accident but it seems that you're recovering pretty well so well done.

    IMO, unless you're a 100% fit to train you shouldn't really be using anything. As for HGH, HGH can certainly help in situations as such but wether HGH is the correct type of treatment in your case all depends on your injuries and severity of them. Having said this, you're best of speaking to a doc about it and he will tell you if HGH is a good idea.

    That's all I can say for now, but good luck with your recovery.


  3. #3
    peptide's Avatar
    peptide is offline Junior Member
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    Growth hormone would be better named "cell repair, healing, and cell maintenance hormone" because it has been seen that it repairs just about everything in the body at the cellular level. Without it tissue atrophies. That is what occurs with age when the pituitary release of HGH declines to deficient levels. It protects the heart, it increases the amount of muscle, it decreases the amount of body fat, it improves skin, it makes some wrinkles really disappear, it increases the humidity of the skin, it fortifies the immune system, it makes bones stronger, it improves vision, and in general it improves all glandular and organ functions in the body.

    Go for it brother - What do you have to loose. I know if I was in your shoes I'd take the hgh well before I'd take the T.

  4. #4
    luckyadt is offline New Member
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    Oct 2008
    Thanks for the advice so far.

    The challenge I am having is that there will most likely never be 100%.
    The amount that I am able to heal is completely unknown.
    I thought that by implementing HGH in with the rest of my therapy that it might give me a better chance to get an even better end result.
    And I get different awnsers depending on the doctor I speak to.
    I know that baseball/sport players have used it post injusry to speed up or improve overall recovery.

    Any other ideas on what kind or dosage wold be helpfull.

    Thanks in advance.

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