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Thread: 1st day on HGH - Questions

  1. #1

    1st day on HGH - Questions

    Hey All -

    First off, thanks to all of you forum posters, especially to takincareofbusiness and his thread -- your advice helped me to get started with HGH and I'm excited to see what the results will be.

    Ok, so here is my plan...

    Got all my gear, and ordered HGH from 2 sources (I'm trying to see which is the best before I jump in and order a large amount). The first source arrived yesterday.

    Package was 10IU vials, I got 10 vials. Blue tops, they say "flip off" and have a circle in the middle. No labels, no writing on the vials. Are these the "Kefei" generics that I've read about?

    I reconstituted a vial with bacteriostatic water for the purpose of testing, and did 2 tests with it:
    1. Tested on pregancy test -- came out negative so I know it's not HCG
    2. Shook the bottle hard to see if it became cloudy -- it didn't, just a few bubbles but it remained translucent

    Before you start flaming me for this -- Yes, I know that shaking it makes it unusable, but I wanted to run a test before I invest any further in this source. I have read some stuff that says that real HGH should cloud up if shaken violently (see Wiki article on HGH), but I'm not sure if that's true.

    For you veterans -- any thoughts on "cloudiness" after shaking as a test would be appreciated.

    Ok, so last night I injected 1 IU, all seemed fine, no negative reaction, no sides. This morning I injected 2 IU, again all fine. Eventually I think I'll get up to 6 IU per day (I weigh 210 lbs).

    I think my test for source 1 is concluded. I will test source 2 when it arrives and see which I like better.

    So that's pretty much it. Any advice on how to best test purity or other advice welcome. I'm not really trying to bulk up, just lose some fat and get back to training hard, so I'm not currently interested in adding any AAS to the mix (but maybe eventually).

    Thanks to all you guys for speaking up.

    Edit: removed how much I paid.
    Last edited by virtualmanone; 10-30-2008 at 08:51 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Portland, OR
    Edit it this post. You cannot post pricing. Quick way to the door. You have genaric blue tops. I have not heard anything about a shake test. I would ramp up slowly. Run 2iu's for at least a week and bump up slowly. You may not feel any sides for several weeks. Trust that it is real and doing it's job.

  3. #3
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    Sep 2008
    I have heard of the shake test before but never actually tried it. If you're just trying to lose body fat then 2iu will do just fine. Just stick with it for at least 6months.

  4. #4
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    The Shire
    i get hgh prescribed for hrt reasons, when mixing it with the bacteriostatic water, your to swish it around in a circular motion, shaking is not advised, ill have to get my directions pamphlet out on it that gets sent with the vials, but i know your not to suppose to shake it. when im done mixing it, all the powder should dissolve and be completely clear

  5. #5
    Thanks guys. I will run 2 IUs for a week and go up slowly from there, but is there scientific evidence for the reasoning behind this? Should I ramp up 1 IU per week?

    Also, is there any way to tell which of the two is better? Does more sides mean better HGH? Thanks in advance.

  6. #6
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    Portland, OR
    The reason to go up slow is so the sides don't hit you like a sledge hammer. It gives you body time to adjust. You can jump in deep and do 10iu and may not feel anything for several days/weeks. Then bam it will hit hard. Hands swell up, wrists get sore, elbows feel like they have been beat with a hammer. I slowly ramped up to 4iu and rand that for almost two months. I then bummped up to 5iu and made it about 3-4 days before it hit hard. Had to drop back to 4iu. My body really likes 4 so I am cruising along comfortably there. I may try 5 again down the road.

  7. #7

    HGH day 1 - HGH and Carbs

    Thanks Bolt. That makes sense.

    I'm planning on a single injection per day (I guess first thing in the morning) but I know a lot of people like 2 injections per day. Does 1 vs. 2 injections make a big difference in results?

    One more question: do you subscribe to the no carbs 1 hour before or after injection? I guess this makes sense as insulin reduces HGH production (at least from my understanding). But does it really matter? Is one hour sufficient?

    Thanks in advance.

  8. #8
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    Portland, OR
    I used a single injection until I got to 4iu. At 4iu I split it 2iu first thing in the am and the second shot about 1pm. I do watch my carb intake but more like 30 min pre & post injection. I can't say for sure if it matters. My thought is that it is more body specific than a general protocol. I have tried having carbs before and after and I felt no difference. I have read some have experienced what sounds like hypoglycemia post injection. I need to invest in a glucose meter and see what is actually happening for my own piece of mind. I am also going 7 days a week, no off days. The most common is 5 on 2 off. I have also read some doing large doses every other day. I like the results I am getting so for now I will continue as is. I started at 168 lbs and 14% bf. I am now at 170 lbs and 10%.

  9. #9
    How long did it take you to get those results silverbolt?

  10. #10
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  11. #11
    Just some food for thought. I have had IGF lr3 from the same place that makes my kigtropin HGH. The IGF did least to my knowledge. Im a newb so this is only my opinion but here are a couple of examples as to why I believe the IGF I was using was legit. I got one of the worst sunburns Ive ever had this summer; I was on antibiotics and sensitive to sun. Put some aloe on and when I woke up the next morning.........nothing but a tan all healed up.
    Had some issues with foot unknown problem would not remedy itself......1 week after IGF.......all gone.
    Cuts and scrapes on fingers healing at approximatley 2 x normal rate.
    Just started the GH 2 days ago on day 2 now will keep informed.
    Last edited by BeachBod909; 09-01-2010 at 08:19 AM.

  12. #12
    Marcus avatar looks crazy sick whomever that is. Is doing something right

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by BeachBod909 View Post
    Marcus avatar looks crazy sick whomever that is. Is doing something right
    I hope you're kidding? That's Dorian Yates 6x Mr Olympia.

  14. #14
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    Dorian Yates. Great Freak of the Century.

    Yates was probably the hardest training BB that ever came around. Wonder what he was on...

  15. #15
    That is one sick picture of him. He must have had good GH......haha

  16. #16
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    Dorian had good everything not to mention he didn't use anything but food precontest. No protein shakes, BCAA's or anything. Straight food 24/7. He also trained like a man possesed. Check out the video "Blood and Guts".

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