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Thread: HGH + Dextrose

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Thumbs up HGH + Dextrose

    Is it worth it ? Because it is safe for sure.
    What do you think to take HGH right before training and 75 grams of dextrose immediately after it, just to stimulate insulin without inject it exogenously.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    You should put this in the hgh section.And let gear chime in.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    My bad, I'm kind of new here.
    What do you think about it ?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    You should not take carbs at least 1h before or after injecting HGH as it messes up your body's capacity to absorb them.

  5. #5
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    Nov 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by hugovsilva View Post
    You should not take carbs at least 1h before or after injecting HGH as it messes up your body's capacity to absorb them.
    Why this? Can you be more specific ?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    I mean, concurrent mechanism, same receptors or just "I've heard".

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    This is taken from Redbaron's guide to HGH.

    "HGH can affect the function of other hormones. HGH can suppress the abilities of insulin to stimulate the uptake of glucose in tissues and enhance glucose synthesis in the liver, though administering HGH actually stimulates insulin secretion and can create a state of hyperinsulinemia. This combination can lead to decreased insulin sensitivity, which in turn can lead to hyperglycemia."

  8. #8
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    Nov 2008
    That's right, what I meant is to stimulate insulin taking 75 grams of dextrose and drive GH and glucose directly into your cell.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by hugovsilva View Post
    This is taken from Redbaron's guide to HGH.

    "HGH can affect the function of other hormones. HGH can suppress the abilities of insulin to stimulate the uptake of glucose in tissues and enhance glucose synthesis in the liver, though administering HGH actually stimulates insulin secretion and can create a state of hyperinsulinemia. This combination can lead to decreased insulin sensitivity, which in turn can lead to hyperglycemia."
    And on the other hand it's kinda weird because most of the people doesn't refer to hyperglycemia, but hypoglycemia, they felt tired, sleepy.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by sergioitalian View Post
    That's right, what I meant is to stimulate insulin taking 75 grams of dextrose and drive GH and glucose directly into your cell.
    These articles explain how the insulin spike caused by simple carbs ingestion icreases the uptake of nutrients into your cells. HGH is not a nutrient, its an hormone so the articles you posted do not apply. Besides, adding HGH would mess up the effect wanted when ingesting dextrose.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    ninja dojo, UK
    my other gripe with that plan iks injecting your HGH that close before training.

    Now, depending on the amount your taking, and how highly you regard your long-term health, injecting GH less than an hour before training may impede your pituitary's ability to release its own GH, which inturn means interrupting your natural production of GH when it isnt really necessary. This is a problem in two ways: 1) You are missing out on that bit of extra GH that your body will produce alongside the amount you are injecting.
    2) Im not sure on this, but the more you interrupt the bodys GH release, the more chance you have of damaging it in the long run. I could be very wrong here, but I know that most people aim to inject GH at the times of the day that WONT interfere with this (upon waking, never at night)

  12. #12
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    There are many avenues available when it comes to "when to inject HGH". I have explained this in the past but I'll explain again since this topic hasn't been brought up for quite some time.

    The last thing you want to do is interrupt your natural HGH production. If you inject HGH around the same time as when your body releases its own HGH, then the result can be interrupting your natural production. So how do we know when our body releases its own HGH? Well we don't, but we do know that your body releases its own HGH about 7 - 10 times per day with the strongest release being at night while we're asleep. This is why injecting HGH at night would not be so wise as you could be interrupting your biggest spurt of natural HGH which occurs not too long after we fall asleep. So unless you are 50+ or you have a condition where your body isn't releasing sufficent amount of its own HGH, then taking HGH at night would be a big "no no".

    So where does this leave us? Well, since the highest release of HGH occurs while we're asleep, it would be wise to inject HGH in the AM upon waking up.

    Injecting HGH around training time can work out well but it can also work against you. You see, your body can also release HGH after an intense workout. So if you were to inject HGH around training time then there is certainly a possibility that you may interrupt your natural production.

    For users who use lower doses (say 3 - 6IU), I suggest you take your HGH in the AM and early afternoon. But users who use much higher doses shouldn't worry too much about interrupting their natural production because the amount they are interrupting is nothing compared to the amount they are injecting. Eg: If you are taking 20IU p/day, and you interrupt that 1.5IU that your body releases each day then what's the big deal because your body is still getting that 20IU every day.

    The best solution to this is to be able to somehow measure when your body is going to relase its own HGH, and since we can't do that and can only guess, taking HGH will always be a hit or a miss. But as I said above, if you are taking higher doses, then interrupting your natural production shouldn't be too much of a worry because the amount you are interrupting is nothing compared to the amount of synthetic HGH you are giving your body.


  13. #13
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  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gear View Post

    For users who use lower doses (say 3 - 6IU), I suggest you take your HGH in the AM and early afternoon. But users who use much higher doses shouldn't worry too much about interrupting their natural production because the amount they are interrupting is nothing compared to the amount they are injecting. Eg: If you are taking 20IU p/day, and you interrupt that 1.5IU that your body releases each day then what's the big deal because your body is still getting that 20IU every day.
    20IU ed ? Kind of expensive.

  15. #15
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Yes, expensive indeed, but certainly very common these days.


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