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Thread: New to t3/slin

  1. #1
    AugsLars12 is offline Junior Member
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    New to t3/slin

    Hey guys I'm about to start up a cycle of short ester Test P, Masteron , and Tren A. That being said I know that Tren lowers t3, correct? I was thinking about running about 12.5-25mcg ED of T3 and then also taking Slin starting off around 5ius after every WORKOUT not everyday. I was considering Waxy Maize just for after workout to spike my natural insulin , but it's not nearly as good as taking Slin While this certainly won't do the work of 8-12 IU's of Humalog, it will most certainly assist getting my muscle back in a nitrogen positive environment in a short amount of time.. I'm planning on gradually working my way up to 8-12iu of insulin but I'm not going to be there for a while. I was also wondering if there are any good tablets out there for glucose just to make sure I have something on hand so I don't run into trouble. Only reason why I ask is because I don't know how many times I'll have a jug of orange juice or can of sugar coke or something near by if I run into and hypo problems sense they happen very fast and very hard.

  2. #2
    AugsLars12 is offline Junior Member
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    This is what I'm planning on doing right after my slin injection, please correct me if I'm wrong sense this will be my first time

    Injection + 5 minutes – drink shake with 10g glutamine / 10g creatine / 7 grams of dextrose per IU of Insulin .
    Injection + 15 minutes – drink shake with 65g of whey isolate protein in water (skip if taken with above)
    Injection + 75 minutes – eat a protein / carb meal with 40-50g of protein, 40-50g of carbs, NO FATS
    (i.e. – two boneless, skinless chicken breasts baked or grilled, a serving of brown rice, sweet potatoes, or pasta, with green beans)

  3. #3
    AugsLars12 is offline Junior Member
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    No one eh?

  4. #4
    AugsLars12 is offline Junior Member
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    Hmmm this isn't normal not to get any one wants to help out a new Slin user eh'? I also wondering what people thought about kind of messing around with y waxy maize as I gradually increase my Slin.... I know your supposed to have 10g of waxy to 1iu of slin but after a few days of taking 5ius of Slin and taking 50g of waxy can I take 5ius of slin and then bring the maxy down to 40g after a few days? And do that every time I increase my Slin levels? to a 50g down to a 40g?

  5. #5
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    WM is fine for PWO wether you're taking insulin or not, and you can buy glucose tabs from your local grcoery store or a heath shop which you can keep on hand.

    Your PWO meal is fine so I'd leave that as is.

    As for the amount of WM/carbs you should take when taking insulin, just go with how you feel. I usually take a lot less than 10g p/1IU but not everybody is the same. I suggest you start on 10g p/1IU and work your way down if you feel its ok to.

    Good luck.


  6. #6
    PT's Avatar
    PT is offline DUNAMIS ~ AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    exactly like gear said bro. play it safe and start at 10grams per iu of slin. if you shoot 10ius pwo then consume 100grams. you can drop that dose by 5-10g everyother day or however you want until you find the dose right for you. i usually get around 4-5 grams per iu. remember, you want to take in extra carbs when starting to be safe but in the long run to much carbs will make you fat
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  7. #7
    AugsLars12 is offline Junior Member
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    Awesome, thanks for the replies guys. The only thing I don't like about Slin is the fact it can make you fat if your not doing it right. Which is something I've already battled off, and never going to be fat again ha-ha. Do you guys think I should start out with 10ius of Slin, and just take in a lot of excess carbs and keep taking 10ius of slin and then gradually drop the carbs to what my system can take, or do you think that I should probably take a lower dose of Slin and keep the carbs around 40-50g per IU until I can drop it down to what ever it may be

  8. #8
    jg42058p's Avatar
    jg42058p is offline Member
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    my friend died from an accidental insulin overdose... be careful. He took it after jogging and his blood sugar was probably lowered from jogging. Not worth the risk IMO

  9. #9
    AugsLars12 is offline Junior Member
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    Jul 2008
    haha thanks for your 2 cents, but I won't be a retard

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