Hey there.Im 29yo , 5'7 currently weight 192.Im currently on a 1g/wk test en and 600mg/wk deca cycle (just finished 8th week).Another 4 or 8 weeks to finish this cycle.After my cycle i'm planning on starting hgh (6months minimum).4iu 5on2off.Mostly to maintain what i got and lose fat.I'm probably at around 12% bf atm.Still want to gain around 10lbs.Anyway i have some questions and whoever could help , i'd be grateful.
1. Can i start hgh during my PCT or after?Im asking that cause i'm kinda gyno pron and i'll surely take nolva or maybe even letro during my PCT.Heard some various stuff about hgh and gyno and dont want to make the problem bigger while being on hgh.
2.I've read that during hgh its good to take T4 cause it drops.50mcg per day is a good dosage(i've read).Should i start takin T4 from the begining of my hgh intake ?
3. Im planning during my hgh to take some test prop and tren a (and maybe some winny) as part of an 8wk cutting cycle.After how many months should i do that cycle ? I know hgh needs some time to kick in.I guess , after 3 months its ok ?
4. Can i take all 4iu during morning when i wake up or i have to split dosages 2-2 ... It suits me better to just inject when i wake up, but if i have to split i'll figure out a way (problem with work hours).
Thats all the questions i can come up now ... if i have anymore later on , i'll bug you ppl again lol
Thanks alot