I recently started using some blue tops and have not been experiencing the usual sides ( numb or swelling hands or fingers , carpel tunnel ect..) but i have some other sides. I have been getting a strange feelling in the back of my head but it is very slight , my eyes and have been very dry. and in the begining i felt a tightness above my eyes as well, but that has subsided for the most part . I definetly dont feel normal . i tested the gh with a pregnancy test and determinded that it is not hcg . is this supposed to happen or have i been scamed and im taking something harmfull to my health. the first dose was 1 iu then the after two days of 1 iu i took 2 and i didnt like it . so i have been taking just under 1iu . if i have been scammed what could it be that im taking that would give me those sides ? thanks