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  1. #1
    daniele is offline New Member
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    Mar 2008

    How can I use the slin and for many times?

    Hi guys, this is my cycle:

    1-14 100mg ed testovis
    1-5 50mg ed dianabol
    4-14 75mg ed tren A
    9-14 50mg ed winstrol depot
    1-4 4ui GH split into 2 doses
    5-8 5ui GH split into 2 doses
    9-14 6ui GH split into 2 doses

    Now the question:

    I use slin in combo with Gh and vis. For the first 4 week I use 6ui of Humulin-R in the morning and 6ui of Humalog post wo. Many peoples tell me is necessary use this slin protocol: 4 week ON and 4 week OFF. But I want to know if, in your opinion, is possible use this protocol: 4 week ON, 2 shot per day, the next 4 week slin at low dosage only post wo--->>

    Week 1 6ui in the morning, 6ui post wo
    Week 2 6ui in the morning, 6ui post wo
    Week 3 6ui in the morning, 6ui post wo
    Week 4 6ui in the morning, 6ui post wo
    Week 5 6ui post wo
    Week 6 6ui post wo
    Week 7 6ui post wo
    Week 8 6ui post wo
    Week 9 6ui in the morning, 6ui post wo
    Week 10 6ui in the morning, 6ui post wo
    Week 11 6ui in the morning, 6ui post wo
    Week 12 6ui in the morning, 6ui post wo

    Let me know guys, thanks

  2. #2
    Tjelle's Avatar
    Tjelle is offline Associate Member
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    would not recomend at all, it is still external insulin in too many weeks.. if you go on for 4 weeks you will deffenitly(sp?) need 4 or more weeks of.. i got diabetes hav had it 4 7 yers now, got it when i was 18.. your better safe then sorry, and how fast your body will shut down, depends on the person..

  3. #3
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Stick to basics, use insulin PWO only as that's when insulin is mostly beneficial. Also, stick to humalog or any other type of rapid acting insulins as such. The dose depends on how you react but in most cases 10IU is enough for recovery. This will work out well for you.


  4. #4
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    As for how long to run it for, there is no studies indicating excess insulin use can lead to permenant sides but the 4 ON/OFF protocol has seemed to work well for most so I would stick to doing just that.


  5. #5
    SpiderRico's Avatar
    SpiderRico is offline Member
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    Dirty Jerz
    slin serious stuff bro be careful ive heard some bad stories about people who used it in correctly

  6. #6
    DreDD's Avatar
    DreDD is offline New Member
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    Jan 2009
    how long can you cycle sin for?
    good stack by the way sort of answer my question I asked.

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