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Thread: Pissing green?

  1. #1
    owentrier's Avatar
    owentrier is offline Junior Member
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    Pissing green?

    Well, I'm took a break from GH cause it seems that I'm getting too much painful sides. That was yesterday...

    Today, I'm pissing green! Um, is there I shouldn't be worrying about? I mean, it's bright green. I know I'm not turning into a Hulk, but then what the hell is it?

    If this continue, I'm calling my Doctor...should I?

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    I've never had that. What dose gh were you running, when did you start, and what were the painful sides?

  3. #3
    MuscleScience's Avatar
    MuscleScience is offline ~AR-Elite-Hall of Famer~
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    Yes call your doctor!!!

    green colored urine can be caused by certain drugs, UTI's, and bile irregularities. Excessive intake of some B vitamins can cause bright green urine color.

  4. #4
    NycGuy is offline New Member
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    Yikes !!!

  5. #5
    amcon's Avatar
    amcon is offline physical pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside... The pain of quiting will lasts forever!!
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    in the freaking cold
    first tell us your stats

    start with this one:

    -are you a lepercon?

    no seriously i just looked on web md and nothing really came up... kidney stones? maybe?

    you need to go see a doc - gang what should he tell the docs he was using? or shoudnt he

  6. #6
    owentrier's Avatar
    owentrier is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by amcon View Post
    -are you a lepercon?
    1. I'm half Irish
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    I've never had that. What dose gh were you running, when did you start, and what were the painful sides?
    Started on Blue Top GH 12 weeks ago at 2iu. 4ui the last 2 weeks. I get wrist pain throughout the day has well numbness.

    This morning I'm still pissing green. I going to call my doctor and and not telling him what I was using GH, I'm not sure "IF" thats related.

    I hope this is nothing but who knows....

  7. #7
    Sierra Mike's Avatar
    Sierra Mike is offline New Member
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    I don't lie to my doctors. I try to tell them anything that may be pertinent to my condition. They aren't the police, after all.

  8. #8
    bakingcakes27 is offline New Member
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    I would DEF 100% go to the doctors. Could be a sign of dehydration or exhaustion or major fatigue. Once again, go to the doctor for green urine...

  9. #9
    Silver-Bolt is offline Associate Member
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    Are you taking any vitamins or eating asparagus?

  10. #10
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    1.I'm half Irish
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    Started on Blue Top GH 12 weeks ago at 2iu. 4ui the last 2 weeks. I get wrist pain throughout the day has well numbness.

    This morning I'm still pissing green. I going to call my doctor and and not telling him what I was using GH, I'm not sure "IF" thats related.

    I hope this is nothing but who knows....

    Ah there is your answer right there

  11. #11
    Lach01 is offline Associate Member
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    would say get to docs, but know when i havent drunk a lot of water and been to gym over the weekend that on a sunday nite/mondya mornin my piss goes bright green but as soon as i start drinking alot of water again it goes back to a normal colour, something to do with the concentraion of urea in your piss and not enough water, but i may be worng.
    Hope everything is ok.

  12. #12
    BigTuna is offline Junior Member
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    are you taking kyrpronite?

  13. #13
    GrizzlyAdams is offline New Member
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    I wouldn't tell your doctor that you were taking GH. I use to tell my doctor everything because I figured it was confidential. I changed jobs a few years back. The new company I worked for used a different health insurance provider then my previous employer. After the 90 day trial period with my new employer I was eligible to enroll in their benefit package, which is what I planned on doing so I discontinued my old health insurance after leaving my previous job.

    Turned out the new health insurance company rejected me based on all the notes my doctor had put in my patient file throughout the years regarding my admissions to him about dabbling in steroids from time to time. I never had any health problems to date but I would always be open with my doctor to ensure he would be analyzing my health correctly.

    Needless to say I wasn't very pleased about this. I requested a copy of my patient file for my entire history. I read the entire file. Whatever I told my doctor he noted in my file.

    Things like: I asked Mr. XXXX how he's been doing. Mr. XXXX said he's doing great and went out over the weekend and consumed about 6 beers with friends. I asked Mr. XXXX how often he does this and he stated about every other weekend.

    Another instance: Mr. XXXX requested a STD test. Mr. XXXX stated he had sexual intercourse with a woman and that the condom torn. Mr. XXXX was concerned since this was the first night he met this woman. Mr. XXXX also stated since he would be giving blood for the STD test he requested if we could do testing on some blood counts/values because he recently finished a cycle of dianabol .

    It ended up taking me 2 months to find a new health insurance provider. Needless to say they are alot more expensive. From what I understand if I wouldn't have changed health insurance companies chances are my old provider wouldn't have caused me any problems for whatever reasons.

    I guess the bottom line is this. Don't tell your doctor shit unless you have a special relationship of some kind with them and know they won't make note of things in your patient file. They are doctors, make them do their job and try to figure out the problem without admitting to your wrong doing. Unless you are having a very serious medical condition (and feel it's worth potentially creating problems with your health insurance provider) I would personally just play stupid.

    It's not trying to come down on doctors. They have to do their jobs. Again I was just very surprised because I didn't think such details were available to insurance companies or even noted in my patient file. We choose to play the game we play. The insurance companies are protecting themselves from what they consider high risk patients. We kind of have to protect ourselves from potentially being denied health insurance and potential huge medical bills (for whatever reason) we may have to pay if we do not have health insurance.

    Obviously everyone should make there own decisions on how they handle issues like this.

    Just food for thought. I don't want anyone to go through what I had to go through.

    P.S. Based upon the amount of vitamins/supplements etc. I have taken I do remember I have pissed green from time to time. I haven't pissed greens for weeks straight or anything like that. I guess you should analyze what other changes you may have made to your diet, etc. which may have potentially caused this to occur.

    Also, before going to your doctor and spilling your guts why don't you have some blood work done at a third party source. You could then ask some of senior members on here about the results. There are alot of knowledgeable people on this site.

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