I want to run a 20 week cycle and just need to clear some thing up before I start, I have never use HGH so your advice would be great.
weeks 1-20 HGH 4 iu ED 5 on 2 off
weeks 1-12 Sustanon 250 mg/ EOD [1000mg a week]
weeks 1-12 Deca 200mg [600mg a week]
weeks 9-15 Winstrol/ 50 mg/ EOD
weeks 16-20 Clomid Therapy
I will be running Insulin 4iu up to 10iu and T3 25.
my qustion is how long is it safe for me to run insulin after I get up to 10iu, can I run it for the full 20 weeks without any problems.