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  1. #1
    BIGSNOR's Avatar
    BIGSNOR is offline Associate Member
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    3 IU ED, or 5 IU at 2 on 1 0ff

    was running 3 IU of gh daily prepping for my now easing into my lean bulk.... what would be best. To stay at 3 IU 7 days a week, or do 5 IU for 5 days on 2 days off? Thats a similar amount of GH monthly with the 5 IU being slightly higher...would I even see any difference at all though? Just trying to stay lean...even get leaner if possible....and any growth I get (may not get any with that low of a dose I know) is a plus. I prep with Dave palumbo. He wants me to just stay at 3 IU year round, whether bulking or cutting. your thoughts?

  2. #2
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Jul 2003
    3IU won't deliver much muscle mass if any. 5IU is probably the starting point for muscle mass so running 5IU 5/2 may get the job done but I def wouldn't bother with 3IU ED if you are after muscle mass.

    In regards to 3IU VS 5IU, it all comes down to the individual but generally 3IU won't deliver much mass as stated above.

    Once you've reached your goal and achieved that amount of muscle mass you were after, then staying on 3IU all year around maybe be a good idea for maintenance, but if you are trying to bulk then you're more than likely to succeed by following the 5IU 5/2 protocol rather than running 3IU ED.

    Good luck.


  3. #3
    BIGSNOR's Avatar
    BIGSNOR is offline Associate Member
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    would 5 IU yield any better fat loss benefits that 3 IU wouldnt. usually rely on my anabolics and diet to put the muscle on. I know theres not much of a chance of 5 IU doing it. I compete so I know how to cut...just hopin the GH will help me to take in a few more cals without getting sloppy.

    Also I'm running chinese generic GH so 3 IU of that might not be worth a shit at all right? I know the pharm grade american stuff is way stronger just from personal use.

  4. #4
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Jul 2003
    What results one gets from certain amount of IU all depends on that particular user. But as I said, generally 2 - 4IU is good for fat loss and a minimum of 5IU is required for noticable muscle gains.

    It's all about experimenting, I can't say take "x" amount of IU and you will get such and such gains as everybody is different.

    Yes Chinese stuff is a little less potent but you would be surprised to see what kind of results some users get even from lower doses. Once again, you won't know till you try.

    Good luck.


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