I just bumped my dose from 3 IU ED to 5 IU doin the 5 on 2 off protocol.
I want to maximize staying lean and possibly even shedding some fat if I can, im 2 weeks post contest right now and want to keep fat gain to a minimum while easing into my lean bulk.
Was doing 3 IU first thing AM on empty stomach. Now that I'm adding another 2 IU shot in... would it benefit me more to take it late afternoon (im just sitting at a desk) or take carbs 1 hour before my workout...then take my GH immediately pre workout to help mobilize and burn fat during my workout, and my 30 min. of cardio i do 3times weekly?
My workouts are always really intense, and im 25 so Im not sure how much of a natural GH dose I would be missing out on, from taking GH preworkout, and disrupting my normal amount I get from my lift.
Wanted to hear your thoughts. thanks.