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Thread: Ok, check this out, preworkout or late afternoon for my situation

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2003

    Ok, check this out, preworkout or late afternoon for my situation

    I just bumped my dose from 3 IU ED to 5 IU doin the 5 on 2 off protocol.

    I want to maximize staying lean and possibly even shedding some fat if I can, im 2 weeks post contest right now and want to keep fat gain to a minimum while easing into my lean bulk.

    Was doing 3 IU first thing AM on empty stomach. Now that I'm adding another 2 IU shot in... would it benefit me more to take it late afternoon (im just sitting at a desk) or take carbs 1 hour before my workout...then take my GH immediately pre workout to help mobilize and burn fat during my workout, and my 30 min. of cardio i do 3times weekly?

    My workouts are always really intense, and im 25 so Im not sure how much of a natural GH dose I would be missing out on, from taking GH preworkout, and disrupting my normal amount I get from my lift.

    Wanted to hear your thoughts. thanks.

  2. #2
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Gaining muscle alone without fat is quite difficult, don't be affraid of gaining a bit of fat/water while bulking (especially if you are lean), it's all part of the bulking process. But if lean bulking is your way about it then there is certainly nothing wrong with that.

    Second HGH shot in the afternoon is fine.

    There is no bad time to take HGH as long as you are not interrupting your natural production.

    HGH around training time can work out well, but it can also work against you. If your body produces its own HGH while traning (this usually happens during intense workout sessions) and you take your HGH pre workout or PWO then you are risking of interrupting your natural production and this is the last thing you want to do. This does not always occur but it's certainly possible so taking HGH around training time is a hit or a miss. My conclusion is to take HGH as far as away from your training session as possible, especially if you are taking smaller doses such as yourself because you can already take most of it in the AM and perhaps have the rest early afternoon. This is what I would do. Then later in the afernoon hit the gym.

    If you are taking mega doses and need to inject 5 - 6 times per day, then you will have no choice but to inject around training time as well. If you were to interrupt your natural production then I wouldn't worry about it too much as the amount of HGH you just interrupted doesn't compare to the amount of HGH you are injecting.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    also on the 5 on 2 off it any better to take the GH on training days as opposed to days off? Just thought it might be more beneficial to use on days that you workout(pumps etc)...than on days off. but your growin on your days off? so what do you think?

    So I usually do 2 or 3 days on then one day off. Should I skip the second shot of GH on my days off and just keep it to workout days? your thoughts?
    Last edited by BIGSNOR; 01-29-2009 at 03:22 PM.

  4. #4
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Jul 2003
    I usually take my HGH Mon - Fri (training days) and have Sat/Sun off, this has worked quite well for me. I don't really think it makes much diff when you take it as long as you are taking it consistently.

    I have never taken HGH 2/3 days ON, 1 day off so I canot comment on how effective that would.


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