i was wondering if any gains experienced with slin use will be lost after stopping slin or something but i doubt thats the case,just making sure
i was wondering if any gains experienced with slin use will be lost after stopping slin or something but i doubt thats the case,just making sure
If used properly insulin gains should be permenant but you must maintain your training, diet and rest.
is it any way compared to gains from aas keeping gains wise?
alot better then aas in keeping gain wise
thats what i thought
ok guys i have been using slin now for 4 weeks with mostly 2days on and 1 day off sometimes 2,my question is,is it safe to use slin for maybe another week or am i increasing my risks of getting diabetes?
An other week is fine.
Is it just slin you are using?
What have the gains been like?
i am using 10iu per day but started 4,6,8 then 10iu gains have been great but its not contributed to slin use alone,i am on a bulking diet and changed my routine into another one dc training style but i gained like 10lbs since i did that and i am happy
how long u been on Slin?
4 weeks now
how much u think is actaully Muscle?
u gained 8lbs in a month jsut using Slin?
that pretty amazing! Whats ur exact Slin protocal?
i started at 2iu,then 4,6,8,10 and kept it 10iu max,i took it on my workout days postworkout immediately so its 2 days on one day off,immediately after my workout i have 42grams of whey and 50grams dextrose,an hour later i have a can of tuna and grape or apple juice,thats basically how i did it
so guys did anyone here experience smiliar gains from slin use?also will it be safe to keep running slin more than 4 weeks?should i expect to loose mass when i stop?also what are some sign to look for if someone gets border line diabetic?
There is no safe way of using insulin. Users will usually follow the 4 weeks ON/OFF protocol as that's what has worked well for most with minimum sides and satisfactory gains. I suggest you do the same thing.
How much gains one keeps depends on the user, everyone is very different when it comes this so it's difficult to give you an accurate answer.
Things such as sudden weight loss, increased fatigue, blurry vision (very common one) non energytic are diabetes symptoms.
Yes AAS gains are certainly harder to keep.
I don't think one more week is anything to worry about, but still keep safe.
Yea, wish in one hand, then shit in the other. See which one fills up faster.
I'm jk dude, it's a joke...
The hard work you put in to keep gains off slin can be a test to show yourself what you can achieve with the next slin cycle.
My slin is going well. I noticed a few pounds very quick in the beginning. Weight is stable but I'm seeing some strength increases. I'm taking AAS with it since about 3 weeks ago, so I'm sure that's helping the synergy.
I'd say your keeping gains as long as the body physique and weight stays the same. That's the best way I can think of at the moment.
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