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Thread: Can anyone give comments and opinions about this GH i've been using?

  1. #1

    Question Can anyone give comments and opinions about this GH i've been using?

    I have been doing this stuff since Oct of 2008. I'm a first timer so nothing else prior othe that whey protein.

    ********** Research (pink top), Somatropin (r DNA origin), 10iu Vial, nt1806-23, exp 2010, storage 2-8c. And a few chinese characters.

    I mix the vial with the bac water to the 100 line on the syringe. I started out doing the 20 line and now i'm between 25-30, so that would be 2.5-3 iu's right? So 2.5 iu's (25 line) will last 4 days.

    The 20 line helped out & added some nice lean muscle mass, but it wasn't quite enough, so 2 weeks ago I upped it to the 25-30 line so I guess i'll have to give that a chance.

    Opinions. comments, experiences, please help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Portland, OR
    The "20 line" is 2iu's so the 25-30 is 2.5-3.0iu's. Not nearly enough for mass gains.

  3. #3
    Well, i'm not really looking for "mass" gains so to speak. This is the strongest thing I would put in my body. Besides, in terms of keeping it affordable the vial has to last me 3 days. So that would be 3 iu's per day. (30 line per day)

    Can you give me a breakdown of the iu benefits? For example; 2 iu's can give you this, or 3 iu's can give you that. Also, I want to avoid any bad side effects. I am very health conscious.

    What do you know about the type of GH it is?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    are you sure it isnt a Red top? I have never seen nor heard of Pink, but I am very new here.

    there is alot of research on this site that will answer all your questions.

    IMO you are on a good dose for what your looking for, and need to stay on it for as long as you can afford. optimal=6months min to 1year

  5. #5
    No it's pink my friend. I use it for mainly the benefits that we've all seen and heard about. I like a little size, but my main priority is being lean and defined. My philosophy is if you don't have abs, then you're not in shape. I'm 37 by the way and it gets a little harder to maintain ya know. I was told that 2.5 to 3iu's should help, no? I don't want my face to become enlarged. lol

  6. #6
    you need more than than that for any effect, not enough dude.

  7. #7
    Well, when I started out I was doing 2 iu's per day and it helped out a lot. Now I do 3 iu's per day and i'm sure it will help out that much more. I look great and it's been working fine. 1 vial will last me 3 days at the rate i'm going. Anything more than that isn't worth it to me. Be careful giving that "not having any effect" advice out to people. It does work and I don't want others to think that they have to be overdoing it on this stuff.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    I like the dose of 3iu's per day IMO. especially for what you want for gains.

    you want to start strapping on some muscle, then you gonna be up in the 6-8 range.

    *p.s, I know lots of people who have abs, but are not in shape/healthy. im guessing at that age, you want the beach muscles look.

    **p.s.s if you got abs at that age, props to you as well!

  9. #9
    Thanks H20kid. Yeah, i'm pretty well preserved for my 37 years. I intend on keepin' them abs as well.

    But, WOW. You say 6-8 iu's per day. Wheeeew. Who does that? Lets see here, so if I do my math correctly then my 10iu vials mixed to the 100 line with water equals 5 iu's per vial. I now do 3 iu's per day so the vial lasts 3 days and i do a tues-sat schedule. Wow, so people do more than a vial at a time? That is superhuman. Plus i'd go broke quick!!!!!!!!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by violator15 View Post
    Thanks H20kid. Yeah, i'm pretty well preserved for my 37 years. I intend on keepin' them abs as well.

    But, WOW. You say 6-8 iu's per day. Wheeeew. Who does that? Lets see here, so if I do my math correctly then my 10iu vials mixed to the 100 line with water equals 5 iu's per vial. I now do 3 iu's per day so the vial lasts 3 days and i do a tues-sat schedule. Wow, so people do more than a vial at a time? That is superhuman. Plus i'd go broke quick!!!!!!!!
    when your just relying on HGH for muscle gains, that is prob what is needed.

    there is a thread on here where a guy did a 1 year cycle of HGH at 10iu's a day. its a few pages back, but a great read. check it out...

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

  12. #12
    Thanks for the link, but I couldn't get through it. First (as we all know) the guy is loco. I couldn't even get through the list of everything he does. Why anyone would want to do that to their body is beyond me. His internal components must be mush. He's a walking pharmacy and the next thing he does is post a thread from the grave. My reasons for using this is just a little support. Nothing more. And all I take in addition is BCAA'a Whey Protein, fish oil and Multi's and alpha lopoic. He might want to meet a girl at some point if he finds the time. You're right, it's a great read but for entertainment value only.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    as you already stated you can get a nice effect from 2iu per day,you will get more of an effect at 2iu a day than someone that is say 10-15 younger than you,im 43 just started at 2 a few days ago will bump to 4 after about a month a stay there for a few months.

  14. #14
    That's good to know. Never really concidered age as a factor, or perhaps body weight or height for that matter. I'm sticking with 3 iu's for now. I would have never taken this in my 20's. My Doctor told me that would have been a bad idea. I think i'm at the right age.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    great age for it right now. worthless in your early 20's. AGE is a great factor with HGH, as natty levels of production cease usually after the age of 25.

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