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Thread: hgh cutting cycle for gyno sensitive male... please help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    new york

    hgh cutting cycle for gyno sensitive male... please help

    im currently 23 years old 6'2'' 255 lbs at roughly 9-11% bodyfat.

    i have been lifting for 8 years and cycling for 3 now.

    i am planning on using jintropin HGH 3 i.u.s ED (5 on 2 off protocol) for the first time for its spot fat loss benefits. although some people have told me to wait another couple of years before trying it.

    i am very sensitive to gynomastia and i am unsure of what the best test for me to use would be?

    please keep in mind i am very happy with my size i would just like to ditch small amounts of fat in select spots and harden up!

    i have a very clean diet, and a regular cardio and lifting routine... and also have t3 and clen at hand


    am i too young for HGH?

    what is the best test to be used for cutting if i am sensitive to gynomastia?

    along side of the test should i add something like tren, deca, or winny?

    what else could i take during my cycle to fend off gynomastia?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    if you are that sensitive there is no best test unless u run some over the counter pills.
    but u can always run letro or arimidex.... for that purpose.
    as for the gh, yes u still young for ur age to run that stuff yet. however, there are altenatives that can help u loose fat and accomplish good results. for example, the test prop and winny, clen,t4...etc. keep in mind that you need to watch ur diet very closely along with lots of cardio. best of luck.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2003
    United States
    first off if your around 9% bf how much more can you lose? 9% is very low. as for spot injection fat loss, i think that is bs and have never seen anything to say it works
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  4. #4
    Yeah fat will not go away in certain spots. Depends on your body type most people lose weight in their mid section last. Body stores fat easiest there. As for running with test. Winni has lowest side affects. And it has highest rating on keeping gains once your off cycle. It burns fat and makes your muscles harder! Some test works better than winni, some works better with deca and tren. Read you steroid profile articles to help judge what you need to take with what. Remember everything is based off chemistry one potion is not neccessarly better than the other. They all do different things and you can always change ingredients up based on personal preference.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hatchman33 View Post
    Yeah fat will not go away in certain spots. Depends on your body type most people lose weight in their mid section last. Body stores fat easiest there. As for running with test. Winni has lowest side affects. And it has highest rating on keeping gains once your off cycle. It burns fat and makes your muscles harder! Some test works better than winni, some works better with deca and tren. Read you steroid profile articles to help judge what you need to take with what. Remember everything is based off chemistry one potion is not neccessarly better than the other. They all do different things and you can always change ingredients up based on personal preference.
    so you bumped a really old thread to give ridiculous advice? there is so much wrong with your post I don't know where to start.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    BIG, i agree with u.. Hatchman33 WTF are u talking about?

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