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  1. #1
    hulk007 is offline Banned
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    May 2004

    hgh and slin whats the real story.

    hi bros i came across this post again and i am just wondering am i confused or not.this is the post...........The timing of GH and insulin injections is critical. If insulin is injected before the GH, your pancreas will stop release of insulin monitoring due to the exogenous source. GH when injected will mobilize stored glycogen release which will turn into glucose for energy. This will cause a rapid rise in blood sugar levels that will not shut down or stop rising due to the feedback loop being momentarily cut off. You will go hyperglycemic and end up in the hospital. You must first inject your GH, then the insulin; this will cause a rise in glucose release by the GH and will be controlled and shuttled into muscle tissue for repair by the later injection of insulin.

    now i take my hgh and humalog immediately pwo.i take 2iu hgh together with10 iu slin in the same should i take hgh 1 hour or immediately before workout and then pwo i take my 10iu slin or what.ive also read on another post on here to take humalog immediately pwo and wait 1 hour and take hgh.whats what i am 51 years old by the way and been training for 35 years hardcore.
    Last edited by hulk007; 02-22-2009 at 11:16 PM.

  2. #2
    hulk007 is offline Banned
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    May 2004
    then on this other tread on here someone wrote....I forgot to bring my hgh with me, so i shot 12iu slin PWO and then came home and shot 12iu hgh 1 hr later. What negative effect will i have shooting slin and then HGH 1 hr after?

    then gear replied wont.

  3. #3
    hulk007 is offline Banned
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    May 2004
    ok bros.after getting previous advice from red baron and johnnyb i am sticking with the same plan i have been on all these years.

    2 iu hgh in the morning, 2 before I workout, 2 with 10 iu insulin PWO (together in the same pin) and then another 2 right before bed.

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