hey guys, So im looking for so different opions. I just started my 1st cycle of blue tops, im on my 2nd week doin 3.5 ius daily, 6on and 1off. Im also starting T3 and clen too. I have had alot of people tell me that I use start test or "prope" with the hgh. I have a very clean diet and droped 5% body fat before I started my cycle. Im 29 years old ,6'1 220 with a 17% bfl. Im not looking to get big or alot of mass just tone up and abit of sizes. I am coiming off surgury on my sholder year and half ago. So I lost alot of sizes and strenght, I have been lifting regular for 4 months. switch up between heavy and light sets.

So here a few questions;

1. What is prope? is it better than test?
2. I never took t3 or clen, so what kind of cycle should I be looking at?
3. Im going to be taking hgh for 6 months, should I stay with the same type or can you do different types of hgh?
4. remember I have 4 ancors in my left shoulder, (im right handed). I worried that taking tests or what ever I start lift too much weight, cause we all get that rush from test. what dose should I take with the hgh? im not looking for major size.

So answer would be helpful

oh yeah.. My buddies love tren , but what are to difference between (Tren,Test,Prope)?

My main goal is leaning out and toning up with minor mass gains.
