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Thread: Can I use 2 types of HGH on the same day? Fine/dumb/pointless/safe????

  1. #1

    Question Can I use 2 types of HGH on the same day? Fine/dumb/pointless/safe????

    Hi Guys.

    I just acquired a new batch of HGH that is superior i'm told to the one I am using now. They are both chinese by the way. I still however have a lot moe left of the original. Using 2 brands of HGH is not a topic I ever see up for discussion on here. Is it doing my body any harm, confusion, detrement, or whatever to let's say split up the doseages? For example, 20-30 IU's in the pm and 10-20 in the pm. My health and well being is first and foremost so I was wondering if 2 types simultaneously were ok?

    Please advise.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    health and well being is first and foremost? Why are you injecting a total of 50ius a day? Is that a type 0?

  3. #3
    I appreciate your point. 50? is that a typo? I am 37 years old and in great shape already. My reasoning for doing this is just to help me maintain that youthfulness and shape that I have, bodyfat control, etc. I am currently doing 3 IU's per day. I used to do 2 Iu's until everyone talked me out of it and told me it was pointless. My limit would be 4 if need be, but THAT IS ALL! I take this HGH will nothing more than protein powders, supplements and take no other chemicals. It is pointless to me for what I am trying to do. I just wondered if a total of 4 IU's was ok? 3 of the new batch and 1 of the other batch equaling 4 IU's per day.

    Do you think I am causing my body harm since you mentioned health and well being? Thanks for the response.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    i see no harm in it what you are doing,the reason i mentioned health and well being is because you typed that you were taking 20-30ius then later in the day you would take another 10-20ius, i figured this was a type 0

  5. #5
    Sorry, don't know what a type O is.

    Ao, it's ok to mix 2 types you think?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    yes its ok

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